How to Get Your Turkish Tax Identification Number Online and Free?

Get Potential Turkish Tax Identification Number Online and Free.


Updated: December 2023

Obtaining a Turkish Tax ID is much easier and faster now. As a foreigner, you can obtain a potential tax number online and completely free with simple 5 steps without going tax office and waiting in a queue


Enter website

Without waiting in the queue


Click the link which is for potential tax numbers for non-citizens


Fill out the tax ID form carefully and completely


Upload your passport’s first and second page to the system


After pressing OK your tax number will be ready. Your tax number will be listed below the name line on which the page will be opened.

Where potential tax number is used for?

  • To establish company
  • To open a bank account
  • To buy real estate

In conclusion; for more details and our services regarding obtaining tax ID you can reach us

Özmen CPA-İstanbul

Our Services.

  • Obtaining tax ID fast and easy- no need to send us power of attorney-(approximately one day )
  • Company establishment and bank account procedures including informing interest rates of banks ( if needed without coming to Turkey)
  • Market & Supplier & Buyer Research and Investigation
  • Citizenship procedures
  • Accounting & Tax & Advisory Services



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