Mallconomy Bi-Weekly Update #2–27th September 2022

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3 min readSep 27, 2022

Hello Mallfam, 👋

Here we are, back again with another of our updates, designed to keep our community fully in the loop with what has (and sometimes what hasn’t) been happening with Mallconomy. This week we’ve got lots of good news from the Mallconomy community and an interesting update about Mallconomy’s ongoing expansion. We’ll round off with an absolute cracker of a news piece about the Mallconomy Bounty Campaign, so make sure you read to the end!

Mallconomy Community

If you’re a fan of our Discord community (and, let’s face it, why would you not be?) then you might have been getting involved in Stefano’s creative AI challenge. Each week our very own Italian Stallion sets a challenge to our amazing community to design a piece of art using one of the many incredible AI Art generators available. We’ve shared a couple of the best from our current ‘Masks’ challenge below. Each week we award the very best entry a big fat 2K Mallpoints, so jump in and join the fun!

Here are some bonus fun facts about the latest goings on in the Mallconomy chat channels, from our Cuban Hermano, Deyner.

  • We already opened 24 new, localised Discord channels on our server, so our community members can speak all things Mallconomy in their own mother languages. A Total of 28 channels!
  • We onboarded 15 new mods to help us moderate TG + new localised Discord channels.

On that final note, we are still on the hunt for passionate and crypto-versed Mallstars to join our small army of mods. Apply to become one here

Growing together

Speaking of Jobs, we proudly welcome Mert to our front-end developer team earlier this month. Mert comes with bags of experience having worked for the likes of Feature/mind and OSF, he even has a bachelor’s degree from the Izmir University of Economics (fancy!🙃 )

Fancy joining the crew? We’re still on the hunt for a UI/UX developer to join us at the tech hub in Izmir, Turkey. So if you’ve got what it takes, check out our job posting on Linkedin, or get in touch. Although the role can be partially remote, we do require regular team catch-ups in person so you’d need to be able to pop in when needed.

Regardless of the current financial climate, bear market blah blah blah, Team Mallconomy continues to grow!

The Mallconomy Bounty Campaign Update

We’ve been incredibly proud and happy to see so many of you taking part in our Bounty Campaign, but you’re probably wondering when it will end? When will you get your just rewards for all your hard work? Good news my Mallstar amigos! We are starting to make plans to wrap up the Bounty Campaign soon. There’s still a little time to earn those valuable points and try to sneak your way to the top of our leaderboard, so make sure you check your Bounty App regularly. We’ll update you all with an exact date soon!

Now, you’re probably wondering to yourself ‘what’s next?’. You’ve been working hard all these weeks to complete tasks and earn $WOOT and other prizes, but what will happen when this competition closes? Great news my friends, our team are working hard on a new, improved bounty tool that will blow your little cotton socks off!

Whilst we don’t want to give too much away at this early stage, we can promise fun new bounties, games, competitions and an absolutely jaw-dropping list of prizes, so stay tuned for the next update!

See you then!

Team Mallconomy.

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