Mallconomy’s AMA with G4FF

Mallconomy articles
Published in
17 min readOct 3, 2022

If you missed our most recent AMA with our friends at then you are in exactly the right place my Mallstar friends! This is a long one, so without further ado, and rather than try to explain what the guys from G4FF can explain better, let’s get started…

Mallconomy Host

Hello and welcome everyone to Mallconomy´s Official Telegram chatroom! 👋

Many of you should know me by now. But for newcomers: my name is Deyner and I am the Growth Manager here at Mallconomy, and today I will be hosting for you another amazing AMA session with our friends at G4FF as announced days ago.

G4FF stands for “Gaming for Financial Freedom” and they will be joining us in our amazing journey to help us with in-game economics and gameplay design as well. 🔥

Today the AMA rules that have always governed our sessions change a bit, as we want to experiment with a new approach to shorten the AMA time and make it more dynamic. 👍

Now chat will be closed for everyone until we finish the complete AMA session (only our guest and I will be able to write).

After we finish the AMA, chat will be fully opened again as usual. Community questions will be launched by me, selected amongst all those ones posted as a reply to a Tweet we posted a couple of days ago proposing you to ask your questions there: top 3 will receive a nice reward as a big thanks for their creativity ;)

Now, let´s go to the main part of our AMA. But first, let us all give a warm welcome to @SplendidG4FF representing …@SplendidG4FF, please say hello to our awesome community and introduce yourself so we can get to know you better 😉


Hey guys, glad to be here and be part of this event. I am Splendid from G4FF, co-founder and CIO. It will be my pleasure to answer your questions and introduce the G4FF to you. So, bring it on 🙃

Mallconomy Host

Nice to meet you @SplendidG4FF 👋 and welcome once again to our AMA session and to our lovely Community as well!

Remember people…..stay tuned because at the end we will post 3 selected Community questions for our guests to reply to, and later we will contact authors to send them our gift: 3 Silver MallCards!

So, let´s start! 🚀

The first question for our guest….

Let´s start at the beginning, with simple introductory questions, so our community members get to know you better: What is G4FF? Can you explain a bit about your project, what you do and why?


Gaming for Financial Freedom (G4FF), is a community established with the aim of working on blockchain-based games and new gaming technologies. As G4FF, we started this journey with the idea of building a community.

As founders of this community, we are all Gamers with different abilities. We have evolved over time with the projects we want to include in our community and now we offer both Game Guild Services and Game-Fi services to the projects.

Mallconomy Host

I Just checked and all I can say is you have a really awesome community around G4FF……Congratulations!

What makes G4FF different from other gaming communities out there? What makes your model so special?


We do not refer to that as differences, but let’s say our most important trait is that we can understand our community’s needs. Because we are gamers like them and we do want them to earn with their own hobbies.

G4FF aims to eliminate the idea of adopting gaming culture only as a means of entertainment and to make it a globally accepted business field.

At this point, it is aimed to eliminate the prejudices about the acceptance of the game industry as a business field by informing the investors who are foreign to the sector, while helping individuals to earn financial income through their own hobbies. That’s why we can direct our community and advise Game-Fi Projects.

Mallconomy Host

This is a common thought spread across many minds in blockchain gaming: some people say that you can play but you can´t earn a steady income and make a living from it….happy to see you are proposing adopting gaming culture as a business as well….it is possible….G4FF and Mallconomy will prove that very soon!!!!

Can you explain more about Game Guild Services?


Sure, we have 3 different Game Guild Services which are Announce and Promotion, Providing Players and Player Training. In Announce and Promotion; In order for the project to create a great community, it is important to announce and promote it on social platforms.

We advertise the project through YouTube, Discord, Twitter and Instagram platforms with airdrops, whitelists or discount links to our gamers. In Providing Players, as you know the only thing that strengthens the economy of the game is the number of players participating in the game.

We contribute to the economy of the Project by directing our players to the Projects. If we trust the Project of course. Lastly, we can explain briefly Player training like that If you are successful in a play-to-earn game, you will earn more money.

At this point, we cannot expect our players to be successful in every game as soon as they come to us, but we can train them so that they can increase their income. We do not seek innate success in our community.

Our biggest goal is to help our players. For this reason, it is very important for us to train, inform and follow up our players. At the same time, this is also important for game-fi projects, too. Because the more earnings that players make, the longer they will continue to play that game. So, it’s a win-win.

Mallconomy Host

So basically it is a promote-train-play-earn cycle making your players learn to play better the most exciting and rewarding games and bringing new players to the game-fi arena all the time…..This is really awesome! You´re doing a great job! 💪

What about Game-Fi Services?


Thank you @Nerdey for your perfect comment 😊

Well, Again we have 3 different Game-Fi Services which are Advising about gameplay, Advising about the in-game economy and lastly Beta testing. In Advising about gameplay services, although the gains of the players are high, that’s inevitable to loss of players unless some interesting elements take place in the Project.

That’s why, we provide advice on Projects’ gameplay mechanics, character development and game story. Actually, we did re-write one of the Project’s whole game stories. We do love working with people that have different tastes in game types.

For example, we founders, have completely different gaming tastes. One of us is fond of FPS games, while the other is fond of RPC games, while the other is fond of MOBA-style games. In this way, one of us can focus on the mechanics of the game, while the other can focus on the story of the game and the other on its elements. Imagine us working together. 😊

Mallconomy Host

Fan of FPS games here!!!!! 😃


In Advising about the in-game economy, as you know, it is very important that the game’s token is stable and the project is sustainable so that we can keep our promise to our players and contribute to their continuous income.

At this point, we are advising the Project on the Project’s burn mechanism, in-game economy and game ecosystem. In Beta Testing, after all stages of the project are completed, beta testing is required to detect possible in-game bugs and to check whether the gameplay mechanics are working at the desired standards before the launch.

We carry out the beta test of the project with our professional team and prevent the factors that may reduce the game performance of the players in the future.

Mallconomy Host

Lots of services for the Game-Fi world must I say!!!! 🔥

That´s why we are so happy to have partnered with G4FF… said before, they will be helping us with in-game economics and gameplay design as well. So, you all can expect a lot of nice surprises and good things in the future…. 😉

How can a regular(lonely) player become part of a gaming guild and what are the advantages on becoming a member?


Actually, the answer to this question and the purpose of establishing G4FF are very similar. Especially during the periods when Axie Infinity was the most profitable, you could encounter situations like these; managers who did not give the share of the scholars or gave much less than they deserved, and scholars who deliberately banned the accounts of the managers.

We started our journey as a manager, then we saw the injustice between scholars and managers. Later, we formed a guild to correct these injustices and protect the rights of both the rulers and the scholars.

To sum up, it is very important for a player who wants to earn income with P2E, to become a member of a game guild so that she can protect her rights and income.

Mallconomy Host

You´re right! 👍


For the advantages, we don’t like to brag about the things we do for our community, but I can say that; The biggest advantage of the player who is a member of a guild is to have a new family for themselves. Therefore, when they are in trouble in any matter, their family will be with them first, materially and spiritually.

Mallconomy Host

This is the most important part if you ask to me, not only for guilds in game-fi but for everything out there….This is a common thing we share, both Mallconomy + G4FF think about community as a family first…..So we will always be here to support each other no matter what. 👍



Mallconomy Host

We already know G4FF is one of the earliest guilds of Axie Infinity…so, here´s the next question for you @SplendidG4FF 😉

How many P2E games do you have in your portfolio, and do you plan to add more fun in the future?


Let’s look at our catalogue together 😊; Of course, there is our game of honor, Axie Infinity, Crabada, Cyball, Bomb Crypto, Pegaxy and our baby Amarna.

Mallconomy Host

Lots of AWESOME games!!!! 🔥


At this point, we would like to add something. We do not offer our services to every Game-Fi project. First of all, in order to present a project to our players, we need to believe in that project. In other words, we do not make a deal with a project that we do not trust or do not see that project as a potential source of income for our players.

Of course, at this point, it is not possible to immediately understand the intentions of the people in front of you. After doing some of our routine correspondence, we understand whether we can agree on the project in our first online meeting. The point we pay attention to is what the project owners really want.

So, are they going to value their community and be able to sustain a serious business in the long run, or do they want to make money quickly? That’s the important part. Because we can easily fix a failed tokenomics, a bad game story or bad game mechanics with the advice we offer, we are very confident in this regard.

Mallconomy Host

Security first for sure!!! This space is full of rug-pull projects and scammy people so it is a nice thing to know G4FF deals with all of this (checking, testing,…) before adding another game to the catalogue 👍


But unfortunately, we cannot fix people’s personalities. And if you are selfish you lose at the Play-to-Earn universe.

As for whether we will add other fun games in the future, we can say that the project we are most hopeful for right now is Mallconomy :)

Mallconomy Host

According to your experience: can you briefly explain to our users how they could earn with P2E and how to maximise those earnings without risking too much?


Actually, I need to answer this question in the same way as the previous one.

They need to find a trusted guild. Because, especially since P2E games became popular with Axie Infinity, a lot of scam projects have sprung up. Therefore, it is difficult for a regular player to understand whether these games are scams/ponzis. Game guilds have a team that researches projects and sees if they are promising.

In addition, the share or %share of the player who is a guild member is certain. Similarly, the question “Will I get paid this month?” disappears.

Apart from these, we can recommend the following for players who do not want to be a member of a guild;

• In-depth research on whitepaper, pitch deck and social media of the Project

• Team research

• Tokenomics research of the project

• Careful determination of investment time

• Considering the comments of the community if it is a project that has been released.

PS: Do not forget there is always a risk!

Mallconomy Host

Very important info for players that do not want to become part of a gaming guild!!!! ☝️

Thanks for your advice @SplendidG4FF

Let´s continue with another question for you….

Can you explain to our users why playing roles such as “worker” or “creator” can be a game changer in their lives with Mallconomy?


First of all, I should point out that most projects make a huge mistake by addressing just a single gamer type. The biggest difference between Mallconomy is that it appeals to every segment, every budget and every age!

Therefore, when registering with Mallconomy, you first need to know yourself fully, just like before applying for a job in normal life!

In Mallconomy, players (whether shop owners, managers, workers or creators) have direct contributions to the game environment. For example; with in-game quests and work, workers will be able to change the aura of the Mall!

Workers will be able to improve both their character level and reputation points. Workers can work in more than one store and MALL environment (cleaning, repairing and upgrading works at MALL) at the same time.

Also, there will be other tasks coming from “managers”, so it’s the perfect choice to become a worker in Mallconomy for those passionate about achievements and Quests.

Creators will be able to showcase and sell their NFT artwork in the Mallconomy universe. Creators are the people who create and move the Mallconomy market forward. In addition, in the advanced stages of Mallconomy, they will be able to make agreements with famous companies and make sales under famous brands!

Mallconomy Host

Also, I would like to remind our community of the AI aspect where you will be able to train your Avatar to do some kind of tasks and earn an income even when you´re sleeping at home…. cool right?!

Getting your support as a guild partner is very important for us, and given your experience in the field, can you tell us how you plan to help us with our P2E feature?


I hope this is not against our confidentiality agreement. Just joking 🙂

But it will be a really long answer. First of all, I would like to talk about why p2e games can not become successful and why we think that Mallconomy can!

There are two major factors that prevent the project become successful. In fact, both of them are interconnected.

The first of these factors is that people do not see it as a source of income in the long run. As you know after their launch, Play to Earn NFT games are encountering economic challenges as a result of high player input and token generation.

Mallconomy Host

Happened to lot of games out there… ☝️


In such games, token values ​​fall as a result of excessive token production, and the game eventually disappears. Gam-Fi projects need to be concentrated on developing the great burning mechanism of tokens, to keep the in-game economy at an optimum level.

But they must do so without making their communities unhappy. But as we see most of them tend to focus on “their” income at the maximum level. So, the game eventually disappears.

The second factor is that projects turn a deaf ear to what the community is saying. Most corporate firms say that they owe their success to the satisfaction of their employees. No matter how big the firm is, if it turns a deaf ear to the wishes of its employees, employee resignation is inevitable.

The Play to Earn sector is no different from other sectors at this point. If you do not listen to your community, you will lose your gamers, community, economy and then your game. G4FF is built on a system that brings together the gamers and Game-Fi Projects within the community under one roof.

In this way, we offer constructive solutions to Game-Fi projects, taking into account the wishes of the community.

As for Mallconomy, our first impression was how much your team respects knowledge and considers suggestions.

At Game Advice, we aim to support Mallconomy in increasing the player’s entertainment while keeping their earnings stable. By adjusting the token burning mechanisms, we will assist in the improvements to prevent the hyperinflation we encountered in Axie Infinity.

We aim to be a bridge between the players and the project as well as our services at the Gaming Advice point to Mallconomy. As G4FF, we prioritize the happiness of our players.

At this point, we know that Mallconomy also values its community very much. Therefore, we will provide feedback to Mallconomy to improve the game for the community.

Happy player = Happy Project

Mallconomy Host

Can´t agree more!!! 👍

Community first….as said before listening to our communities, having them as a family instead, is the key to success. Let´s work and bring together all the best for our members, making the Metaverse a better place to stay, play, “live” and… earn!!!



Mallconomy Host

Last official question before jumping to our Community questions…this is an important one for sure…. 😉

Some people say that P2E it´s just a part of the continuously evolving NFT world and all the hype around it will die shortly, and others say P2E is already dead.

What´s your take on this matter? I would love to hear your POV as head of an incredible gaming community


I can say that P2E is just getting started.

Let’s take Axie Infinity, the project that made the biggest impact so far. At the hyped time of Axie Infinity, we had scholars and managers who spent only 2–3 hours a day, paid off many debts and even invested in physical properties.

So much so that after the typhoon disaster in the Philippines, we were very touched when we saw that some of our scholars bought a new house with their earnings. Besides, I don’t even need to talk about the earnings of the founders of Axie Infinity. In other words, it is not possible for a market where all parties win, to disappear.

Mallconomy Host

You´re right and we think the same…P2E is here to stay!!!!

Ok, that´s all for the official Q&A part of our AMA today. 👍

Thanks to our guest @SplendidG4FF for sharing his points of view with our lovely community and giving us such amazing info about G4FF services! ❤️


Pleasure is all mine!

Mallconomy Host

Now, as said before, we will enter without further delays, into the Community questions part, because our community have always something to say or ask our awesome guests. 😉

Chat will continue muted to the end of AMA. ⚠️

Questions that were not selected to be answered here can be properly replied to in G4FF social properties we will share in the transcript of our AMA session.

Question from Mr Reed / @Snigdha59268180 (…from Twitter)

What types of games do you think will boost the metaverse game-fi in the future? I mean, as time keeps going on, people develop a different taste for different kinds of games…


Personally, as an RPG and simulation lover, I think the P2E industry will evolve to this in the future. There is a question here; Why do people play games

The answer to the question; is equivalent to the definition of the “game” term. When we look at the etymology dictionary, the definition of “game”; matches concepts such as joy, entertainment, and fun. In other words, we play digital games to escape the stress of daily life and have fun. The reason why RPG and simulation games are so popular in the game industry is that players can achieve many dreams that they cannot achieve in daily life for certain reasons, especially with simulation games.

Think about it; there are no judgments and no rules except yours. So, you are the boss.

However, there is a disadvantage here. Simulation and RPG games are wide-ranging and liberating games by their nature. Therefore, bringing these games to life requires serious time and money. There are a lot of works.

But my opinion is that the P2E industry will completely return to the “second life” style in the future. Of course, these game types may not be completely realistic. We are also talking about a “second life” that includes dragons, wizards and witches, why not. Important point is that you will be able to earn money, socialize and have fun! But as I said, it will take time for such games to be released. At this point, we, as G4FF, are very hopeful of Mallconomy, both in terms of quality and time planning.

Mallconomy Host

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Now, next question for you!

Question from Arifhussain / @Arifhus68258968 (…from Twitter)

What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?


That’s an excellent question!

For this question, I can say that; I’m sure all guilds have their own characteristics and advantages. Ours is that we value our players very much because we are also players. For example, there have been projecting proposals that we, as the founders, could earn a lot if accepted. However, we rejected these offers because we understood that the projects could not provide sustainable income to our players.

In addition, since we usually work with projects through our Game-Fi services, we can take action by directing the requests and suggestions of our players to the projects first hand.

Apart from these, we, as G4FF, rely heavily on our training programs. Because we do not throw a game in front of our players that they do not know how to play. We organize free training programs for our players, which I personally manage. In addition, we prepare guides about the game as both videos and documents and present them to our players.

Mallconomy Host

Last Community question for you @SplendidG4FF 😉


Can´t wait!

Mallconomy Host

Question from MPBS_RT/ @mpbs_rt (…from Twitter)

What strategies does the project have in place to persuade conventional gamers to go into the blockchain gaming market? Because the blockchain gaming paradigm is still too new to reach players, and the visuals and game content are unappealing. How will Project deal with this?


At this point, our players are divided into 2.

1. Those who play the game only to earn money and those who do not care much about the graphic features.

2. Those who play the game for fun and satisfaction.

Here it is necessary to understand the philosophy of the P2E sector well; To be able to play especially mobile games that we used to play without earning any profit. Here, we cannot expect an impressive visual, especially from mobile games. However, in web-based games, these graphics can get a little better.

In this sense, it is not easy to attract the players to the 2nd group. There is a point we generally defend on this issue. If we want to keep the game graphics to a minimum, we need to increase the in-game elements.

If we want to go for good graphics we have to accept the fact that not every player’s device can support the game. At this point, we always advocate the idea that “a graphic-freedom balance needs to be achieved”.

Accordingly, we direct our players to the games.

Mallconomy Host

Well….thanks for taking your time to reply to some Community questions @SplendidG4FF! 👍

We agree 100% with all your thoughts and we will work together to bring our users/families the best products they can dream with! 🔥

Please let’s give a round of applause to our awesome guest today: @SplendidG4FF !!!

I guess that will be all for our AMA session today!

It has been a great time to have you all onboard today learning about our incredible partnership and digging a bit into the G4FF business.


Thank you guys, that was so fun!!

Mallconomy Host

Questions unanswered here can be answered in G4FF social media channels we will share with our AMA transcript…so stay tuned for the upcoming release of a blog post!!! 🔥

Many thanks to everyone for joining today’s AMA session in our official Telegram chatroom and thanks again to our awesome guest @SplendidG4FF! ❤️

This is your host Deyner saying not goodbye but seeing you in the next AMA! Adiós! 👋

You can find out more about our guests from todays exclusive AMA at:



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