Revolutionising E-Commerce: How ChatGPT-powered AI Shop Assistants Help Clients Decide What to Buy in the Metaverse

Zack Yurtsever
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2023
Hire and Train your AI-powered shop assistant with ease

Here at Mallconomy, we’re always striving to improve our customers’ future shopping experience.

One of the biggest pain points of online shopping is the lack of that personal touch one receives in a traditional, brick-and-mortar store. That’s why we decided to integrate OPEN AI’s ChatGPT and Ready Player Me Avatars as shop assistants, to bring virtual, close to real-life shopping experiences to our future customers in the Metaverse.

Ready Player Me is a cross-game avatar platform for builders, creators, and residents of the metaverse. They are on a mission to break down virtual walls and build a more open and connected metaverse. We are proud to have them as our partners, as their avatar technology allows us to create virtual shop assistants that can assist customers with their shopping needs.

But why is it important to have this close to real life approach to the Metaverse shopping experience? E-commerce offers a great variety of products, but it can be siloed and difficult to discover new items. This is where our hybrid solution comes in; our AI-powered shop assistants can provide personalised advice and recommendations to customers. By talking to and engaging with our customers, we can help them find the perfect product and provide them with the assistance they need. Ironically, the introduction of AI shop assistants to the metaverse retail experience can help to humanise and inject fun into the digital shopping experience!

It’s a solution which also solves the issue of training real-life shop assistants, as we collect data and share it with store owners, they can improve their staff’s performance. With sentiment analysis and other anonymised data points, store owners can train their staff to better understand and cater to the needs of customers, without sacrificing the privacy of their valued customers.

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But that’s not all! Our solution helps store owners learn more about their customers and provide them with a more customised experience. By gathering users’ preferences, we can help stores to offer bespoke service to their customers and even adjust the store’s design to suit their needs. Imagine being able to make sure the right product were always in the right place for your customer to spot them first, it’s a store owners dream! In the Mallverse, the possibilities are endless when it comes to creating a customised, user specific shopping experience.

We constantly strive to disrupt the world of commerce and bring about positive change here at Mallconomy. Our solution with ChatGPT and Ready Player Me is just one example of how we are using cutting-edge technology to improve the shopping experience for customers within the metaverse and beyond.

But let’s not forget the star of this blog post — ChatGPT. We believe that as an AI language model, ChatGPT has the power to impact the world of Web3 commerce in unimaginable ways. With developers like us, ChatGPT can revolutionise how people shop and provide personalised assistance to customers in the Metaverse.

As someone who worked extensively as a shop assistant during my formative years, I understand only too well the pain points of the millions worldwide working in retail. Long working hours, standing up for extended periods, and socialising and smiling even when you’re tired or unhappy can take its toll on anyone. That’s why I am passionate about using technology to improve the lives of workers and customers alike.

We are proud to offer a new and innovative way for customers to shop in the metaverse. Our solution, powered by ChatGPT and our friends at Ready Player Me, provides customers with personalised assistance and recommendations, while also providing valuable insights to store owners, to help them improve their businesses exponentially. As we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of e-commerce, we aim to inspire others to do the same.

But what do you think about using AI in the Mallverse to engage with customers? Let us know in the comments.

Best Regards,

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Zack Yurtsever

Co-founder | Investor | Advisor | Product Marketing | Hacker | Web 3.0 | Defi | Metaverse | Gaming | Blockchain | Fintech