Who are we?

Profile picture of our team member Freeke

Hello! My name is Freeke, I am 22 years old and I am a third year Biomedical Sciences student at the VU in Amsterdam. At the moment I am following the minor Global Health at the VU and this is also what I want to do as a master. Reading our blog I hope you will get a better understanding of the double burden of malnutrition in South America and what the (indirect) causes and consequences of this are. If you have any questions you can always send me an email: f.homminga@student.vu.nl

Profile picture of our team member Christa

Hello! My name is Christa and I am 23 years old. I live in The Hague in the Netherlands and I am a third year Health and Life Science student at the VU in Amsterdam. Currently I am following the minor Global Health I am interested in Global Health because I would like to study the master MPA so this is a good way to find out if this subject is really something for me. In my free time I spend a lot of hours playing hockey. I play for the first ladies team of Klein Zwitserland. In this blog you will read everything about the double burden of malnutrition in South America. I hope you enjoy reading. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send me an email at: c.r.hemmes@student.vu.nl

Profile picture of our team member Jacob

Hello! I am Jacob and I am 21 years old. I just finished my Bachelor’s degree in Medicine at the University of Amsterdam and am currently following the minor in Global Health at the VU to gain more in depth knowledge on the subject and to attain a more than just clinical perspective of health. With this blog, I hope readers will gain insight into the impact of the double burden of malnutrition among South-American countries and how to tackle them. If you have any questions, feel free to email me on: j.j.holzscherer@student.vu.nl

Hello! My name is Paul and I am 22 years old. I am a third year Health and Life Science student at the VU in Amsterdam and I am currently following the Global Health minor. Within the three years that I am doing this bachelor I have developed my interest in international health problems. In my free time I spend most of my time with friends or doing sports like running and playing golf. With this blog we would like to inform you about the double burden of malnutrition and South America, so we hope that you enjoy reading it. If you have any questions, feel free to email me on: p.a.m.groen@student.vu.nl

Hi there! My name is Ashwin and I am currently in my third year towards a Bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences at the VU in Amsterdam. Additionally I am following the Minor in Global Health. This has always been a field of study that I have been interested in, and want to learn more of. It is especially interesting for me to see in what ways my knowledge in Information Sciences can be combined with the material I learn about Global Health, and in this specific case, on the topic of the double burden of disease. If you have any questions you can always send an email to: a.j.barendregt@student.vu.nl

