10 tips to prepare for your next interview

Published in
7 min readApr 16, 2021

Like a marathon, a job interview must be prepared! Here are 10 tips to train yourself to have the best chance on the day...

Indeed, doing an interview has become a kind of routine in our lives. But let’s make this routine an enjoyable and useful challenge together. So we will see how to improve yourself to be an interview’s expert.

Here, exclusively for you some recommendations to be an expert in job interviews. (No thanks, it’s my field! Just don’t hesitate to send me your feedback when you get your job).

1 ) Targeting the perfect job for you

Before starting anything, you need to do some research to find the ideal job in the company that suits you best. Matching with the assignments is essential. Indeed, even if you have no idea what your field of interest is, find commonalities between the job, the firm and your personality. Be sure you see yourself in the company culture and values as well as the job itself.

When there is no fit between the firm and you, it’s already lost. You don’t wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit because they don’t match. Think like this to find the perfect job. Take some time to think about it : it is an important step.

So before applying, check :

  • You really like the missions and want to achieve them
  • You seem like the perfect candidate for the job
  • You are in line with the company’s values

2 ) Applying and then preparing for the interview

Getting an interview is good. Succeeding is better. You have applied and you have an interview for your dream’s job ? Congratulations !

But it is therefore necessary to prepare it in advance. It means being interested in the company, in its values, in its figures, in its composition and in the job offer of course. Before running a marathon, an athlete trains to avoid stretching. Here, it is the same thing. Before an interview, inform yourself so that you don’t run out of answers.

Moreover, thanks to this preparation: if you have any questions about the company while scrolling the firm website, write them down and ask them during the interview (cf point 6), it’s a real added value.

3 ) D-Day: give it all

For your information, on average, out of 100 people, only 10 get a telephone interview and 2 or 3 get an interview with a manager.

If you are the lucky one, it’s time to show that you are the best for this job.

It is your moment to shine in front of the recruiter. You have to take care of your presentation and to :

  • Master your language (verbal and non-verbal, don’t forget it)
  • Keep calm, speak quietly and breathe
  • Be attentive and above all: be yourself

It’s by stepping out of the box, by smiling (even if it is on the phone) by adding a touch of difference that you will be remembered by the recruiter.

We want people who are unframed thinking, who are more than motivated, who have an impact. Highlight your strengths that match the position and the company.

4 ) Be punctual

Maybe, for you, it seems normal to be punctual at an appointment. When you have a professional meeting, the least thing is to arrive on time, especially if it’s your first meeting. It might seem logical, but a delay is quickly arrived.This is your first meeting with the recruiter, the decision maker of your future.

Make a good impression! Even via Zoom, Google Meet, Teams or on the phone, some candidates are not on time (or present). So beware when Mr. Covid is gone and the interviews are taking place on the premises: do not arrive late. This may be a detail for you, but it is very important for the recruiter. 5min in advance are always welcome!

5 ) Be clear, synthetic and go straight to the point

If you have respected all the points before: you are on the right path. But it is not finished. During the interview : be smart and follow these 3 points to do the best interview ever :

  • Be clear. The quality of the interview is not measured by its duration, but by its content. The clarity of your explanations and answers will be a real plus.
  • Be synthetic. There is no point in dwelling on oneself and one’s life. Select the important information and highlight it (don’t talk about finance when you apply in human resources for example).
  • Be sharp. Go straight to the point, do not deviate. The aim is to answer the question and give the recruiter what he/ she wants. Give him/her openings on other things, but don’t spread yourself too thin.

This will be more than enough and will attract the recruiter’s attention. A clear, concise, thoughtful candidate is more rewarding than one who stay focused on things unrelated to the recruiter’s expectations. Speak less, think more.

6 ) Be ready to answer to basic (but not really basic) questions

In each interview, you will find similar questions like “Can you give me 3 defaults”, “Why you and not someone else” or “What is your biggest success”.

In fact, the recruiter does not focus so much on the answer given but on the form, the way of arguing and the person’s conviction. You need to prepare yourself in advance for these types of questions, so as not to be caught off guard (but stay spontaneous, don’t read a text, it’s worse).

For example, always keep in mind the question asked, don’t scatter yourself and argue with 3 or 4 points maximum (you can try the STAR method). No more no less. Frame your mind.

7 ) Keep calm and relax

The job interview can be a real ordeal for some and become a source of stress.

Don’t let the bad stress invade you. Relax and be natural. How to manage pressure ?

  • Prepare your interview. If your interview is ready (you have checked all the points beforehand), there is no reason to panic. The pressure, while it can be beneficial, should not do you a disservice.
  • Keep calm. One of the most important points in an interview is to be comfortable and be confident. Recruiters want to meet calm candidates, who can deal with pressure so they don’t want to (and they don’t have to) feel your stress.
  • Breathe. It’s your time, so go for it ! Release the pressure a bit and see the job interview as an exchange, a discussion, a meet between you and the recruiter.

A discussion is always pleasant, isn’t it?

8 ) Ask questions (it’s mandatory)

As you know so well, at some point of the interview, the recruiter will ask you if you have any questions. You probably have no idea of that, but that’s a decisive moment. during the interview. It’s time to play your one’s last cards and stand out from the others.

Having questions to ask the recruiter is to prove your interest in the position and the company.

As far, too many candidates have no questions and say “it’s all clear for me”.

How can you understand a company in its entirety without working in it ? (Even for us, recruiters, everything is not clear in the company).

Dear candidates, there are no stupid questions. And you should know that a stupid question is better than no question at all.

9 ) After the interview

You did it, the interview is finally over. You can go home (or turn off your camera) and relax. But it’s not all over yet because it’s time for the recruiter to debrief. This is also the time for you to think about your interview and potential areas of improvement for the next one.

Don’t hesitate to send an email to the recruiter, to thank him/her for this interview, to tell him/her your feedback and to ask for points for improvement.

And here’s a great playlist to keep you waiting while having the feedback of the interview.

10 ) If it’s a negative feedback

In the end, you gave it all, but it didn’t work.

It does not matter: you should not be in communion with the company or with the missions. There were also maybe better candidates than you. But you have to know that this interview has taught you a lot. You’re probably wondering what you’ve learned? Here are the 3 lessons learned:

  • Understand your areas for improvement. You can ask (and it’s the best way to improve yourself) for feedback to understand what caused the negative answer. After that, remake the film of the interview again to analyze it and change what is wrong.
  • Work on your weaknesses. Be as honest as possible with yourself, this will give you the keys to not reproducing the same pattern. Missing an interview happens to everyone (even the best). Take a step back, listen to the recruiter’s advice and get back on your horse. The next will be the right one, I swear.
  • Perk up again.Once you’ve identified your weaknesses and worked through them, it’s time to go back and work through them by applying all the advice.

(and if it’s a yes, congratulations and enjoy your new life, it’s fantastic).

Here are the tips to successfully achieve in your interview and find the job of your dreams.

Good luck to you, and hoping to find you in our futures interviews, ready to join us !

(Take a look to our careers page, maybe you will find the job that suits you best at Malt : https://careers.malt.com/careers.html)




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