Can you trust someone that drinks verbena infusion at noon ?

Alex Ouy
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2018

If your answer is yes, quit your job and join us ! We are shaping the future of work.

It’s been almost 4 years now that I joined Malt. At the beginning, Vincent Huguet and I were the only full time “employees” working on the project. Today, we are more than 60 rockstars and we have recently launched our platform in Spain ! I never thought that taking a verbena infusion at lunch with Vincent would bring us this far.

1st Verbena Infusion Meeting

2017 was a great year for Malt (ex Hopwork) and 2018 is shaping up to be thrilling as hell ! We plan to be a Unicorn by the end of year.

Ok ok ok… I’m a little bit exaggerating here. This not what we have planned for 2018, but what we have all in mind for the coming years ! To reach that goal, we need to convince new rockstars to join us at “La Malterie”. Especially in the Key Account Managers team ! Richard is screening talent from across the world wild web, every single day looking for the chosen ones ! If he didn’t contact you yet, feel free to force Destiny.


If you’ve reached this part with interest, and the Force is strong in you, you may be wondering , “ what is it like to be a Key Account Manager at Malt ?”. Here are the top 5 reasons that get me out of bed since Day 1 :

  1. I am working with talented and kind people.

Have you ever faced this situation when you are surrounded by colleagues that act like they know, but they are acting so bad that they know that you know they know s**t ? Well… I did. And when it happened, my motivation and respect for the job collapsed at the speed of light.

At Malt, when we don’t have an answer, there is no acting. We’ll seek for the truth as a team. Learning by testing and adapting / Rebuild if necessary. There is no secret sauce nor silver bullet.

We don’t fail. We learn.

Not only because I am getting more mature ;-) We received specific training from Sales Living Legends (Jean Marc Bellot / Jerome Caille) . We have also recruited A-leaders from established web companies and consulting firms to help us grow. Please note that I wrote leaders and not managers. It does make a difference !

Malt is endorsed by the Freelancing community.

At Malt, we give and receive Love ! We receive encouragement from the community everyday and we let all the team know about it. It simply fuels me up and it also tells me that we are doing it right ! Here is one example :

Gaelle, spreading the love she received on our internal chat

Work hard, play hard. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

I work hard and I also have a “Life”. I am 31 years old, I have 2 cool kids (2 years and 7 months old) and a tremendous wife. I go boxing twice a week with my man Johan Aradan at lunch time. You won’t find me at “La Malterie” after 6 : 30 PM, but I’m still reachable (Goddamn Slack !) and I do respond to important emails. Nobody but myself to blame here.

You can also work on your personal side project and the team will always support you ! If you don’t believe me, ask Auriane Bertrand who recently went for a year break, working on the SeedTour.

We are shaping the Future of Work and it is just getting started.

Would you believe me if I tell you that one of our corporate clients contacted us, and asked questions about freelancing for himself ? It actually happened yesterday ! The world is changing, and we aim to play an active role in this game.

That’s it. I have tried to make it short and to be as honest as possible. Now if you are reading this section, and you are at the edge of applying… Take a deep breath because you are now leaving your confort zone ! You’ll soon measure how beautiful it is.

One last thing, do you picture yourself part of this crazy team ?

We both know you will just look great with us !



Alex Ouy

Malt / Start-Up Addicted / Shaping the Future of Work / Proud Dad of 2