Guess Malt : Charlotte, Talent Acquisition Manager at Malt

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2 min readFeb 4, 2021

Charlotte initially joined Malt as an intern and, in less than a year, became one of the Talent Acquisition Team’s key members. A trained psychologist, (almost) as polyvalent as Kevin Mayer, she believes the trust placed in her when she joined Malt is what made all the difference. Let’s ask about her story.

Hello Charlotte, can you introduce yourself and your role at Malt?

My name is Charlotte, I am from Nantes. I’ve been working at Malt for almost a year now. I joined the company for my end-of-year internship in occupational psychology. And I’m still here! Now I work as a Talent Acquisition Manager with a permanent contract. In concrete terms, I am involved in the hiring process for various positions, particularly sales team recruitment.

I have several strings to my bow, as I also handle newcomers’ onboarding. I make sure they feel at home and ensure good team spirit between them as well as with other Malters. Finally, I’m in charge of our relations with schools and universities. As we have a lot of internship openings at Malt, it’s important for us to understand students’ needs and offer them suitable job opportunities.

What do you like most about working at Malt?

What I love about Malt is that we have the opportunity to grow within the company. Both leadership and managers put their trust in us right from the start. But that doesn’t mean we are left to our own devices; there is a strong feedback culture so we always know exactly where we’re going.

“What I love about Malt is that we have the opportunity to grow within the company”.

What is your greatest achievement at Malt?

I haven’t even been working here a year and I’m already managing a wonderful intern! As I said, trust and autonomy are values we live out in our day-to-day work at Malt.

If you were to describe Malt in one sentence to a future candidate, what would it be?

Malt is a company that gives you the opportunity to grow and help others grow as much as the business itself.

Finally, what do you expect Malt to become in the future?

In the future, Malt will undoubtedly develop into the largest B2B marketplace for international freelancers! A company built and guided by the same core values.

Discover her profil on Malt :

Whether you are a senior, a junior, an intern. Whether you work in marketing, product, sales or design. If you want to be part of an adventure whose mission is to give people the power to choose who they want to work with.

And if you believe in Malt’s core values : “It takes a community, Ambition is the way, Own your choices, Joy is the secret sauce”, we’ll be glad to here from you on :




Our mission: create a world where everyone is free to choose the best people to work with.