Guess Malt : Louidgy, IT Support Manager at Malt

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3 min readMar 5, 2021

“Ambition is the key” : This is one of the company’s core. values that immediately resonated with Louidgy Dona, IT Support Manager at Malt. An eminently creative person, he has been able to blossom and quickly implement large-scale projects within the company. Let’s ask him about life at Malt.

Hello Louidgy, can you introduce yourself and your role at Malt?

My name is Louidgy, I am 27 years old and work as an IT Support Manager at Malt for three countries : France, Spain and Germany. I am mainly responsible for security and Malt employees’ access to various media.

What do you like most about Malt?

I joined only 9 months ago and I can already say the thing I enjoy most about Malt is the company culture. Right from the start, you feel valued, listened to and that your opinion truly matters.

There is a very pleasant and positive atmosphere at the office in Paris, and the same is true in Madrid and Munich. The onboarding process plays a key role in this respect. I was part of a group of 6 people from various departments, and these few days of integration helped me meet and bond with other Malters I don’t work with on a daily basis.

What is Malt’s core value that resonates most with you? (It takes a community, Ambition is the way, Own your choices, Joy is the secret sauce)

Definitely Ambition is the way because Malt gives us the means to achieve our goals and the keys to get there. I also genuinely believe in the motto “Own your choices” because creativity is encouraged at Malt. If you want to test something, then go for it ! Your creativity will never be hindered here.

What has been your greatest achievement since joining Malt?

Early on, Malt decided to outsource its IT department. But it has grown so much since that it needed more reactivity, and therefore an in-house contact point. My role was to standardise all internal processes and ensure that they evolve with the ever-growing number of employees.

From a personal standpoint, my greatest pride has been to found my own small business. Malt gave me the desire to start my own company. So in addition to my full-time job, I collaborate with VSEs on various IT topics: training, consulting, etc.

What would you say to a candidate who wants to apply to Malt?

Firstly, I’d tell them they are making the right choice, and that they will likely blossom here, whatever drives them. There is a lot to learn in this environment, both professionally and on a human level. Secondly, I can assure them they will feel welcomed and that their contribution will be very much appreciated.

What do you think the future holds for Malt?

I think Malt is becoming an influential player in the French freelancing market, and I am very proud to play my part in this success story.

Discover Louidgy’s profil on Malt :

Whether you are a senior, a junior, an intern. Whether you work in marketing, product, sales or design. If you want to be part of an adventure whose mission is to give people the power to choose who they want to work with.

And if you believe in Malt’s core values : “It takes a community, Ambition is the way, Own your choices, Joy is the secret sauce”, we’ll be glad to here from you on :




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