How Malt simplifies the invoicing of long assignments for freelancers

Jérémy Doucet
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2020

Carrying out a long mission is never easy! Whether you work on Malt or not, they require a certain amount of organisation and time that you could devote to your missions. Every month, you have to send a quotation based on the number of days you plan to work, possibly adjust it during the month, wait for your client’s validation before finally getting paid and start all over again the following month. It is for all these reasons and to make your life easier that we have created Malt recurring missions.

Why “recurring” ? 🤔

Recurring assignments are a new format of assignments on Malt that allows a long assignment to be split and invoiced according to the number of months it will cover and the number of days worked.
While with “ short missions “ a single invoice was sent to the customer, these missions allow for their monthly invoicing. They are indeed edited and sent at the end of each month according to the number of days you have indicated you have worked.
This is not really a contract on a time and materials basis, which commonly refers to an employee placement with a client. It is the automated repetition of Malt missions for which you invoice your work at the end of each month without having to make a new estimate for the next one.

But how does it work exactly?

It is up to you to offer this type of mission to your client directly on Malt. You can, choose this method of invoicing directly when writing the quotation (attention, your customer must be authorized to pay on invoice only, see more information (in french) here).

You specify a start date, a duration (the number of months), the frequency (the number of days worked per month) and your daily rate. Once your quotation is accepted, Malt automates the entire process of month sequencing, reminder, invoicing etc.
Please note that the assignment will start either on the date you specify or on the date the customer accepts the quote (if you did not specify a date). Finally, it will end at the end of the number of months you have specified.

Swipe right for awesomness

Although you have estimated a monthly work frequency, you will need to update this information during each month (this is called “Activity Report”). At the very end of the month (2 working days before it ends), we will ask your client to validate this information. If he doesn’t do it quickly, we will take care of reminding him for you!
Once the month is validated, you are notified by email, an invoice is issued (dated no later than the last day of the month) and you are paid as usual on Malt in 5 working days.

Why is it advantageous for you as a freelancer?

The recurring missions are:

  • a single interface that recaps the different months past or to come and centralizes all invoices and order summaries
  • only one action required per month for you and your client
  • a way to secure a long-term relationship with your customer, with a guaranteed daily rate
  • the guarantee to be paid at the end of each month, without waiting for the end of a long mission

You will find all the answers to your questions about this new mission workflow in our FAQ (in French).

