Actually… two lights

MAM blog
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2020

I know I said that birds were saving me in this trying time- but I was lying. While I really like birds and everything they represent, it is probably my dogs that have helped me through this the most. Between their cuteness, undying love for me, and their play fighting, it would be criminal to not talk about them in this format. But first, let me give you an idea of their personalities:

Marley: Probably has the highest IQ out of them, and she uses those brains to do one thing: get food

Oscar: our biggest dog, yet he is absolutely dominated by the other two

Freya: at times idiotic, but she is just so cute.


But before I get into the more personal side of things, let me first bring up some scientific proof of their benefit to us.

  • Petting your dog or cat can lower our blood pressure and calm us
  • They also serve as social magnets and conversation starters
  • They give you a sense of purpose
  • Increases our discipline and consistency
  • Increased happiness and decreased depression
  • improved immunity
  • They get us more active

For me, I think they have really given me a sense of purpose- I mean in this time of shelter-in-place there are times when you are going to feel worthless and alone, and only a dog can fully cover that wound. On multiple occasions I have found myself just petting them so as to assuage my feelings of helplessness. Sometimes they can also serve as comic relief in an otherwise tiresome day. For example, one night Freya found herself under a blanket, and started to run around the room like a total goofball, kept bonking into things, and finally shook the blanket off after a few minutes- needless to say, this display some good natured laughter from us. Food is also an object of fascination with them, and trying to eat around them is like giving a pod of sharks the scent of blood. They just relentlessly go after it. And seeing those beautiful brown eyes, who wouldn’t want to give them a little sausage. But that’s just the beginning. Once you give them one tidbit of food, they want more. Then they start barking at you, and before you know it, they’re front paws are on the table and trying to lick your plate. Then you have to kick them out, to a defiant chorus of barking. So, they can be a lot to handle, but their cuteness factor far outweighs any vote of negativity against them. In addition, they also have a variety of health benefits for me and my family, and provide comic relief when we most need it. In conclusion,


