4 Tips From A Writer Mom On Applying For Jobs On Upwork

Adelina Vasile
Mama Write
Published in
6 min readJun 30, 2021


The said mom is a top-rated, non-native English speaker with a 100% job success score.

I recently got an Upwork Happy Anniversary email reminding me that 5 years ago I started my journey on this freelancing platform as a writer. I’m a non-native English speaker who managed to keep a 100% job success score. I’ve worked with 44 different clients and completed 56 projects. I could have done a lot more if I wanted to. But as a mother writing whenever my child allows me and already relying on a client roster outside of Upwork, I believe that this platform has given me just the extra I needed.

Below, I’d like to share with you four tips that are helping me to stand out whenever I apply for a job. Small details that can make a difference and that you’ll be happy to learn. The way I see it, Upwork is a community. The more we support each other to thrive within this community, the higher the odds of it growing bigger and unfolding new opportunities for all of us, writers or not.

Before we get started, the proof that I speak from experience:

Author’s Upwork profile snippet



Adelina Vasile
Mama Write

Mother, educator, journalist, copywriter. I write about the things I need to learn myself.