The Beginner’s Guide To Turning 40

Age is just a number, right?

Lana Graham
Mama Write


Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash

Last weekend my girlfriends and I went away to a winery to celebrate our shared milestone birthday. This year, we all turned forty.

Well, two of us have hit that milestone, while our other friend can say she’s still a spring chicken in her 30s for the next few months. But who’s counting numbers these days?

It certainly was a milestone birthday. Forty years old! But what makes turning forty so special? And why did I feel a sudden sense of apprehension in the years and months leading up to it?

There’s no need to worry. Seriously. And to make you feel at ease about turning forty here’s a little guide to all the not-so-talked about things to expect when you turn the BIG 4–0, as told by a newbie forty-year-old herself.

A new decade of life

Turning forty, much like turning thirty, twenty or even eighty, marks a new chapter of your life. A whole new decade! When you begin to count in 10s, life suddenly seems to flow a lot faster.

As much as you hate to admit it, all those subliminal (and not so subliminal) messages from the media/your family/your friends telling you that you’re getting old start to feel all too real when you clock over four decades of life.

