Why Growing Up in 1980s Australia Was Bloody Awesome

Lana Graham
Mama Write
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2019


Photo by author — I loved a good Maccas birthday party in the 80s

Growing up in 1980s suburban Sydney was great. The summers were long and hot. Perfect weather for a singlet and thongs.

Endless hours were spent on the slip n slide, or if you were lucky, in the backyard pool. The winters were when you dreamed of a White Christmas, but wore a singlet and pair of thongs and were just fine, mate.

Next year will mark 40 years since the beginning of that awesome, politically-incorrect, spandex-loving decade.

I’m an 80s child. Do I feel old? Yeah, a bit. But it also means I can look back with nostalgia on the decade of my childhood that shaped me into the adult I’ve now become.

Why it was totally awesome growing up in 1980s suburban Australia:

  • All-you-can-eat Sizzler. We went straight for the ice cream machine and that was dinner sorted for the night. Plus the bread. That was pretty good, too
  • If we weren’t eating at Sizzler then we were dining at Black Stump. Because they were famous for their steaks.
  • We played cricket on the street or in our backyard with all our mates
  • We walked to and from school by ourselves
  • We played outside until it was dark and helicopter parenting didn’t…

