The honest truth.

Jennie L
Mamaroneck Associated Press
2 min readOct 16, 2016

Truth, unlike a lie, is one of the most specific, straightforward ideas of time. A lie is like a squiggly line: it goes off track, getting pushed into random general ideas, while the truth is a straight line story, with specific, honest, details of what occurred. No two people’s truth’s are the same. Even if two people see one object or person do something, their truths about what they saw will be different. Although they may be in the same area, they are both standing in different positions, and are both seeing and feeling things differently.
Depending on multiple factors, such as emotion, relations, and honesty, there are different types of truth. There is the emotional truth, the truth about how someone really feels in a situation. One sometimes never knows how they truly feel, so they can only attempt to dig deep enough to figure it out. Then, there is factual truth, the truth needed to figure out the stages of an event. However, one’s emotional truth, or perception of how their truth may affect others, may change their factual truth, therefore making it a lie. It can be concluded that it is hard to ever be completely honest, no matter how honest one wishes they can be.
How is truth measured? Is it by how long one talks about their truth, or how deep their confession is? What is more important: how much truth is told, or the significance of one small amount of truth? Sometimes even a small magnitude of truth can make a big impact on someone else.
Unconsciously, one person has a different truth for each listener of their story. To themselves, they tend to be the most honest. But to be honest to oneself doesn’t mean that they are telling the truth to themselves. One may know the truth of what their heart believes they should do, but they aren’t honest with themselves, because they don’t want to follow what their heart believes they should do. It is sometimes difficult to for one to share their truth completely with someone else, because they will constantly be wondering if they will be judged. Sometimes they may feel they have to justify their true thoughts, not making them completely honest.

Truth is a concept that has never been fully mastered. A person’s statement will never just be a straight line, it’ll go off track and squiggle, as people are reminded that their emotions and opinions play into everything they say and do. There will never be one overarching truthful idea, but everyone will attempt to base their thoughts off of the truth that they contain, relative to their own beliefs and opinions.

