The Lonesome Truth

Faith Saporito
Mamaroneck Associated Press
2 min readOct 12, 2016
If only it were that simple.

Truth is a combination of honesty, genuity, and rawness. At its core, “truth” is the natural form of something — whether it be a person, a story, or a situation. The truth is discovered within the pure, unedited, version of something. This, however, can only be found in complete solitude, safe from corruption of emotions, fabrication, and misconception. Therefore, a story or scenario left entirely untouched, unspoken of and unseen, is the real truth. Each human being goes through the struggle of finding their true self, and, though some never find it at all, this discovery is often rarely displayed in public . Instead, it is unleashed when they feel completely unwatched by another eye. Though even in complete solitude, many still struggle to let this beast out of its cage.

When a story is told, subconscious bias typically influences the rhythm of it, filtering its events through one particular perspective. This is not to say that all storytellers are liars, but simply that they are unaware of the story’s raw truth. This truth is virtually impossible to find, as the only one who holds it is the story itself. The people that experienced it have opinions, as do the people they tell it to, and so on and so forth.

Fear is the main obstacle of the unveiling of truth. There is a universal and undying societal, mental, and emotional fear of rejection, disappointment, and failure. These specific fears derive from the idea of letting someone down or being rejected by others, being disappointed by our true self, and failing to fit the preconceived criteria of what others want us to be, which often controls our own goals and ideals for ourselves. These fears often prevent us from searching for our true selves. Therefore, the real truth is often left unfound, residing somewhere isolated between the hushed folds of reality and purity.

