The Truth, and how The Universe is the only one to distinguish such a state.

Reilee Gunsher
Mamaroneck Associated Press
2 min readOct 17, 2016

In times of crisis, people are so caught up in pointing fingers at who’s to blame — they look for the one who lacks the fact, the one who is lying behind gritted teeth, the one who blatantly booms ignorance. Amid the chaos of pointing fingers and looking for the liar, they quietly seek the ones who shelter solely The Truth.

How can one seek the truth if people are so uncertain of what it is? The Truth is the unfiltered, purest, rawest state of fact. It is not what person A or what person B saw; it is what Time experiences and keeps to itself; what Space feels and shares with no one. Time and Space as they are in our universe are the only ones who harbor the certainty of a state.

The unfiltered, purest, rawest state.

The Truth is the actual fact; no opinion, no misinterpretation, no perspectives. The Truth is the untouched, unseen, and unheard. It is interpretation, thought — -it’s the ability to listen and speak; to conjure up opinion that processes The Truth through individual filters of perception.

With ears and eyes and a working brain, The Truth is filtered from fact to fiction.

Time and Space are those who hold the truth in its real form. But, what about the state that balances on the border of fact and perspective?

It gets tricky.

What is considered to be true, in the eye of an individual, may not be just in “fact,” but in belief. Dissect religion, and look at what it really is. Humanity has developed different systems of faith with the notion that other humans hold more power than another; that one human may possess the supernatural power to grant blessings — that a figure greater than humans exists. How does one know for sure that these “truths” are true? Are there humans with the ability to possess greater power than other humans, or is our world living in a simple made-up idea? Are we not all equals?

Time and Space can only know.

