The Truth Behind Truth

Does it really exist?

Emily Renner
Mamaroneck Associated Press
2 min readOct 5, 2016


Truth is a fictitious concept that masks the unknown.

It is the blanket in which one wraps oneself to provide warmth from the cold uncertainty exhibited by the surrounding world. Society uses this idea of “truth” to rationalize concepts and to avoid questions about the unexplained.

But if one picks apart the notion of “truth,” they will soon realize what the truth really is: a nonexistent excuse.

People use this idea of “truth” as a pretext to avoid the possibility that their ideas may be incorrect. Human beings naturally believe that their own personal thoughts are legitimate compared to everyone else’s.

Think about it: whom does an individual trust more than himself?

Having these known “truths” provides a sense of comfort to those who refuse to admit that their beliefs may be wrong. But that does not verify the existence of “truth.” It just confirms that individuals like to have an excuse to avoid finding any alternative answers.

“Whom does an indivudal trust more than himself?”

In a factual sense, there are definitely things that can be deemed accurate or blatantly false. But there is a difference between accuracy and truth. “Accuracy” depends upon whether or not something is correct. While many people might think truth falls along these guidelines, there is more to this concept than just the sole idea of factuality. People derive truth from their own opinions and different perceptions on certain situations.

Take a passing train for example:

Photo courtesy of Google Images

Everyone at the train station will witness the rapid rush of the train passing by. All of these people can agree that at least one thing was accurate: the train just passed. That being said, each person perceived the scenario from a slightly altered view, creating a unique “truth” that is tailored each individual.

While there is always a core thing that takes place, there is no universally known truth; instead, there is an event that happened which will subsequently create a basis for a wide range of different truths.

There is no truth behind truth. It is a preconceived notion derived by a natural human instinct for a desire to be error-free.

Each individual has their own personal belief about what things are “true,” thus illustrating how the overall concept of “truth” as a whole does not and will not exist.

