Truth: A Human Concept

Zoe Skutaris
Mamaroneck Associated Press
2 min readOct 7, 2016

The goal of the human race is to search for where the truth ends and a lie begins, yet somewhere along the way we got lost. What people now believe is that thinking something is true, makes it true. This is false.

What people conceive as the truth, they are mistaking for their feelings.

The belief in the “truth,” specifically in the United States, was created to better society, yet the meaning of the truth over time has been stretched and erased to the point where the majority of individuals are convinced that the truth, or the concept of truth, is attainable. What they fail to recognize is that the truth will never be made clear while people use feelings to justify facts. What they’re doing instead is seeing if a certain belief benefits them. Consequently, if that belief does benefit them, it makes it true. American’s ability to allow how they feel to dominate their thinking is why we as a people fail. For what we are really doing is convincing ourselves that our feelings are somehow better than someone else’s, and in a country based on equality, that is unacceptable.

By creating our society around the “truth,” and inherently feelings, humanity set itself up to fail. We’ve used our feelings to replace facts for so long that our beliefs rarely change because our feelings rarely change. For example, Americans in the 18th century thought it was true that slavery was necessary. Yet look ahead 300 years and although there isn’t slavery anymore, there is still jarring racial tension. The belief in slavery didn’t disappear with the emancipation proclamation, so what makes people think racism has disappeared today. Our “truths” never leave us, they just evolve to fit the times they’re in. In the past people were extremely racist, and today we can still find people who are extremely racist (case and point, our republican presidential nominee). People’s ability to ignore fact and to rely solely on the truth derived by their feelings is astounding, and equally disturbing for the fate of the human race.

