Two-Player Co-Op (NSFW)

Annie Mok
Published in
1 min readFeb 7, 2017

Hazel Newlevant is a cartoonist whose comics include If This Be Sin and No Ivy League, and the editor of the comics anthologies Chainmail Bikini and Comics for Choice (coming to IndieGoGo May 2017). Read more of her comics at, or follow her on twitter @HNewlevant.

[This comic was funded through Patreon under the ZEAL project. ZEAL aims to provide high quality criticism of rarely discussed games and comics, and showcase the talents of exciting new writers and artists. For details and information on how to donate, please check out our Patreon, where you can also get exclusive video content for $5+!]



Annie Mok
Writer for

Annie Mok is a cartoonist, writer, illustrator, Rookie contributor, singer in See-Through Girls