ZEAL Membership On Medium

A new way to support ZEAL directly through Medium, and access exclusive content from the Editor’s desk

Aevee Bee
2 min readDec 14, 2016


Welcome to ZEAL.

ZEAL is a online publication of alternative pop culture criticism, comics, games, and everything else we can reasonably squeeze into it. We created it by taking inspiration from the places that got us started in games writing—sites like GameSetWatch, Insert Credit, and Nightmare Mode that published writing that wasn’t happening anywhere else, and took chances on new talent.

Interested in being part of a community working to support and promote the work of exciting and diverse voices in pop culture art and criticism? Sign up as a Member for $5 (or more!) per month and get access to bad posts and weird content from the editor’s desk!

Since then, ZEAL has grown tremendously beyond our expectations! We’ve expanded our mission from publishing weird new writing on weird old games to comics, illustration, and more. Crowdfunding has allowed us to make this passion project sustainable both for the editors (Jae and myself) and our contributors, while remaining completely free to readers so everyone can enjoy our work.

For that reason, we don’t want to hide any of our contributor’s content behind a paywall. So we’re thinking that our exculsive content is going to be a sort of “from the editor’s desk” thing — where Jae and I (joined sometimes by friends and assistants) deliver opinions, videos, podcasts, streams or whatever else we can think of. Because everyone already knows us, so the world is not loosing anything by us being trapped behind a paywall, but YOU will have everything to gain because we are extremely smart and funny.

We’re aiming to start doing exclusive content in January, and we’ll show some previews of what we’re thinking soon (there WILL be shitposting). We may want to offer the exclusive content through Medium, as it’ll be easier and encourage the new platform, but we don’t want to leave off loyal Patrons who prefer donating through here. So we’re going to take this slow and pay close attention! Let us know your comment/questions concerns, and get ready for cool new stuff!


Here are some specially prepared clips to give you a sense of what we can offer. You’re helping us publish fine articles and comics, and in exchange, you get access to more personal pieces such as these.

Further example clips can be found on our YouTube Channel.

For members, all past episodes can be found under the ZEALOT tag.

ZEALOT #1: Dead Rising & Shit Posting (with Robbydude & J Bearhat)

ZEALOT #4: On Being a Trouble Teen in Galerians: Ash (with Rory Frances, Meekstape, & J Bearhat)

ZEALOT #7: Comfort Games & Animal Crossing (with Robbydude, J Bearhat, & TragicGay)

ZEALOT #8: Clipping Down Memory Lane (with Robbydude & Jetgreguar)

ZEALOT #9: Niche Childhood Platformers (with Robbydude & J Bearhat)



Aevee Bee

Teacher, Visual Novel designer, and Editor-in-chief of ZEAL, a magazine of alternative criticism, comics, and more.