ZEALOT #11: Jackbox Origins

With Robbydude and Barroo

j bearhat
1 min readDec 29, 2017


In addition to last week’s Holiday Special, we at ZEAL wanted to make sure we still put together a bonus episode for those who have pledged to help support us. We genuinely cannot thank you enough for contributing your time (and money) to help us! It’s let us grow our operation a lot, shakily, but grow it all the same, and that’s been super important in letting us push and host new voices.

Thank you.

That said, this month’s episode involves us going back to the past, to play the ancestral title to the bane of anime conventions and parties, Jackbox Games, with the original, 1995’s You Don’t Know Jack! The in-your-face quiz show that has aged about as well as 90’s Mad Magazine, or maybe 80’s screwball sex comedies.

And that does it for this month’s ZEALOT! Thank you again for supporting us and we’re excited to bring you more content into the new year!



j bearhat

jbearhat.itch.io; zines ; writing ; terrible things ; good posts tho (icon by rory frances)