⛩️ Engen Rewards

Ramon Recuero
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2024

Kinto is an L2 rollup designed to accelerate the transition to an on-chain financial system. It features user-owned KYC, AML, and native account abstraction to solve the biggest blockers to mainstream adoption: security and user experience.


  • Kinto has completed one of the fairest launch programs in crypto—it is sybil-resistant thanks to its user-owned KYC and retail-friendly due to optional deposits and capped credits.
  • Engen claims are open. Claims will close on June 15th at 9 am PST.
  • The Engen Rewards program culminates in the fully decentralized launch of Kinto, already with active participation from over 15K users. Make your voice heard, as voting will close on June 12th at 9 am PST.
  • Deposits and withdrawals are enabled. Users can deposit and withdraw from several chains, including Mainnet, Base, and Arbitrum.
  • Our Mining program proposal, if approved, will be deployed on July 1st and distribute June rewards retroactively.

🗻 The end of the beginning

Kinto L2 has launched and is now fully operational. This concludes the Engen journey, which started in November and finished on May 15th, 2024. Engen was designed to onboard and reward valuable network participants and bootstrap a decentralized network launch.

The goal has been achieved. 25k users have completed the four phases of Engen: The Arrival, The Setup, The Rescue, and The Commitment.

Unlike other networks, our users are unique. These 25k users are fully verified. Thanks to Kinto’s user-owned KYC, the network has unique sybil-resistant properties that ensure that launch program rewards are given to real users instead of bots and accounts that spread their holdings over hundreds of wallets.

All the users who completed the first three phases before May 17th can claim their rewards and vote on the proto-governance proposals.

🎟 Claiming Process

To claim your rewards as a Kinto founding member, head to https://engen.kinto.xyz/engen-finale to check your rewards and start the claiming process.

You will see the results from all your previous phases. Starting with the Arrival, where you completed the KYC process and received your Kinto ID.

Secondly, you will see the Kinto Wallet you created in The Setup Phase. The Kinto wallet is designed to be the safest in the ecosystem offering account and chain abstraction capabilities. It is non-custodial, recoverable in case of loss, and resistant to scams and phishing links.

Afterward, you can review the rewards you received by visiting the Kinto Fortune teller in The Rescue phase. The Fortune teller analyzed your on-chain activity and awarded you badge NFTs based on your achievements.

Finally, if you deposited capital on The Commitment, you can see your credit multiplier below and assets deposited below. Kinto was designed to prioritize small retail users, and it awarded a 2x multiplier to people who did not deposit.

Now, you can proceed to the claiming section, which will show you the total number of credits you have been awarded and how the number was calculated.

🗳 Casting your votes

Then, you cast your vote on the three proto-governance proposals of the Kinto network. These proposals allow Engen participants to vote on the launch of the Kinto DAO and constitution, The Kinto Token to govern that DAO and finally, the launch of a mining program to grow the ecosystem.

You can find more information about the proto-governance and specific proposals here:

After selecting your votes, you will receive a summary of all the rewards you receive on top of the assets deposited during Phase IV, including:

  • Deposit Gas Refund + Free gas for tx on Kinto
  • Engen Tokens (ERC-20)
  • Kinto Badges (ERC-721) — NFTs
  • K Token (ERC-20) if approved by ENIP-2

After clicking on the claiming button, you will be prompted to sign a message. Just with a signature, without paying gas, you will receive all the rewards in your Kinto wallet on the L2 (except Kinto Tokens, which need to be approved).

Thanks for being a founding member. Now, you are ready to explore the initial offering of assets with a forever 15% boost in the mining program.

Additionally, users who keep their assets on Kinto until July 1st would receive 25% extra Kinto tokens if the community approves it.

As a Kinto user, you can now access assets from many different chains in the Ethereum ecosystem from the safety of your Kinto wallet.

🛤 The road goes on

Engen’s end marks the beginning of Kinto.

Kinto is the safety-first L2, the only L2 designed to accelerate the transition to an on-chain financial system. It features user-owned KYC, AML, and native account abstraction to solve the biggest blockers to mainstream adoption: security and user experience.

Users can deposit/withdraw at any time. Kinto is non-custodial, decentralized, and permissionless, yet it enforces a KYC verification in all participants.

We want to accelerate the transition to an on-chain financial system. A system that can match the guarantees of traditional finance, increase availability 24/7, enhance security, and decrease the friction and costs associated with conventional asset issuance.

If you share our vision for a secure, open, decentralized financial system, help us realize it.

Join us!


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Ramon Recuero

Cofounder at Kinto. Previously at Babylon Finance, Y Combinator, Zynga, Google and OpenZeppelin.