Our mission to the moon

Emma Oulton
Man & Moon


We’ve rebranded — in a big way. And we think you’re going to love it. Starting from now, Explosive Titles will become Man & Moon.

We’ve been working as a team for a few years now, and we’re getting pretty good at it, if we may say so ourselves. Our CEO Tom started out in 2007, when the iPhone was still just a phone (no app store!), before Android even existed, and when Scooter Braun had just discovered a YouTube singing sensation by the name of Justin Bieber. Back then, Tom was just a teenager building websites in his bedroom (he was a Seth Cohen type in his youth — the ladies loved it), but before long it became pretty clear that he had a real knack for it, and so he set up Explosive Titles as an official company. Over the last few years, he’s built a reputation for expertise and creativity, and he’s recruited a whole host of equally talented people (that’s us) to join him. We’ve worked with some really exciting clients, like AngloInfo, InterQuest, and Instabear; we’ve travelled all over the world from Barcelona to Los Angeles; we’ve launched 81 brand new apps and websites. We’ve recently developed and marketed an app that attracted more than a quarter of a million interactions just in the first three weeks — and through all that we’ve even had time to move offices and cover our entire floor in astroturf, because we’re just that kind of “edgy creative company”.

And since it’s been going so well, we decided to put our heads together and make it even better. We compiled a list of goals, and figured out how to make them happen. What it boiled down to was that we’ve always loved meeting entrepreneurs and hearing their awesome ideas, but our favourite bit has always been when they’ve asked our advice to help their business grow. We’ve worked with many of our clients to promote their brands, and these have always been the successes we’re most proud of. We really like taking a more active role in sculpting new products, as well as creating our (brilliant) websites for them.

So we’ve rebuilt our digital agency as a product team, and are ready to do a lot more of that. This means we’ll be using our expertise and experience in the digital world to help businesses craft some really sensational products. We’ll be learning new tricks, and developing new ideas to try out (like our app guaranteed to get you a date on Tinder — read about it here). We’ll be holding office meetings to discuss and debate new issues around technology, and we’ll be blogging about it right here. We’ll be testing products and challenging ideas and talking to the public, all in the name of making technology better and better.

Not only will this be a load of fun for us, we also have a practical and scientific reason why it’s going to be better for you, too! Collaboration is easily the best way to turn a good idea into a really great idea; the more angles you approach a concept from, the more you can really flesh it out. When you start a conversation that includes businesses, web developers, designers, and marketers — it’s a fool-proof formula for a really winning product. That means that your phone and browsers are about to blow up with incredible apps that we’ll be dreaming up with some of the top minds in industry. And if you’ve got an idea of your own, it means that we’re here to make it a reality.

Check out our brand new website and read about our new process!



Emma Oulton
Man & Moon

More books than friends. Writes at Bustle. Organiser of #letmefemsplain