A Quick Guide to Flutter’s Helpful Tools and Resources

Manabie Tech-Product Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2020

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. After one year of experience working with Flutter, I have found some interesting tools and resources to make my coding life easier.

  1. Json to Dart converter

If you are working with json and need to part data to Dart class, you can use this tool with many functions such as:

  • Making all properties required
  • Making all properties optional
  • Making all properties final
  • Generating CopyWith method

Try it here: https://app.quicktype.io/

2. Continuous integration and continuous delivery for Flutter with Codemagic

With Codemagic, all you need is an account to make CI/CD for your Flutter app.

With a free account, you’ll receive a generous 500 minutes of building time per month with no restrictions on these features:

  • Building triggers
  • Environment variables
  • Dependency caching
  • Testing
  • Build options
  • Publishing

Try it here: https://codemagic.io/start/

3. Building UI with FlutterStudio

Currently, Flutter doesn’t have an official UI builder, but you can try FlutterStudio.

Just drag and drop UI elements from the left banner to the UI, and this tool generates code for you. It supports a lot of UI elements.

Try it here: https://flutterstudio.app/

4. Learning from other developers’ projects

Itsallwidgets is a website where developers share their Flutter projects, many of which are open-source. If you need a sample project, this is the place to look.

Visit the website here: https://itsallwidgets.com/

You may also want to visit https://flutterawesome.com/ this is an awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries and tools.

5. Flutter Widget of the Week

This is an official series from the Flutter dev team, in which all widgets are described in detail. You can find many useful widgets for your project here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjxrf2q8roU23XGwz3Km7sQZFTdB996iG

6. Learning Flutter with Reso Coder

This channel owner may be young, but he’s a master of Flutter development.

His free, easy-to-understand content will guide you from basic to advanced.

Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIvrn68cUk8CS8MbtBmBkA

Website: https://resocoder.com/

What’s missing from our list? Let us know which Flutter resources have made your life easier!

For additional resources, check out the links below.

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