Happy new year!

Manabie Tech-Product Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2020

Greetings and Happy New Year 2020 from Manabie!

2019 was an amazing year for us. Manabie started from Zero, but with significant growth, we are in no time becoming a Hero.

2019 Manabie’s “population” growth

Starting since April 2019, with only 4 members, we now have over 160 passionate Manabians in Vietnam, 3 mobile apps published, 6 Learning Hubs established, and many lovely learners came in.

Several ups and downs as we might have faced, and humble as these numbers might be, we managed to embrace the Manabie Way, and carried out our Vision to achieve our Mission — giving back to the community through charity and knowledge sharing.

A recap of our 2019

8 months is not so long but not too quick a process. What has been achieved in 2019 may serve as a launcher propelling us to a more successful 2020, and preparing us for the long journey ahead — “for tomorrow’s World”.

Want to be a part of our exciting 2020? Discover your Inner Greatness HERE!

We wish you all a happy and successful 2020!

