March 2018 — Top 50 Comics through the Manage Comics network

Manage Comics
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2018
March 2018 Top 50 Most Subscribed to Comics

In March we added ten new stores, and over 1000 new customers to the Manage Comics rolls, this meant that a lot of our top 50 saw massive turnover, with a half dozen new entrants, as well as some major shuffling of some numbers.

April will be interesting to see with a couple of significant departures including Dark Nights Metal which as been a top 10 player since its inception.

1 (2) — Doomsday Clock
2 (1) — Batman
3 (3) — Dark Nights Metal
4 (6) — Amazing Spider-Man
5 (4) — Flash

Amazing Spider-Man cracks its way into the top 5, pushing Star Wars down a bit. Flash surprises me every month when it’s in the top 10, but it’s consistently been there for several months. Doomsday Clock takes over Batman with a strong showing.

6 (9) — Batman White Knight
7 (11) — Walking Dead
8 (7) — Detective Comics
9 (10) — Action Comics
10 (5) — Star Wars

Batman White Knight makes a major leap, this is a super strong seller at most stores, Walking Dead cracks the top 10, and Star Wars fell a little bit.

11 (12) — Saga
12 (8) — Darth Vader
13 (13) — Justice League
14 (14) — Superman
15 (15) — Wonder Woman
16 (17) — X-Men Red
17 (23) — Mister Miracle
18 (16) — X-Men Gold
19 (18) — X-Men Blue
20 (32) — Avengers

The top 20 saw a few moves, X-Men Red, Blue and Gold are all selling around the same volume and seem to have settled in. Saga continues to do well, and Darth Vader dropped, but still sells strongly.

21 (19) — Astonishing X-Men
22 (N/A) — Black Panther
23 (20) — Thor
24 (24) — Paper Girls
25 (21) — Old Man Logan
26 (29) — Titans
27 (36) — Nightwing
28 (26) — Deadpool
29 (25) — Super Sons
30 (31) — Invincible Iron Man

Black Panther makes its debut in the top 50, I think this is a case where the movie really bumped sales, and we’ve seen a ton of activity on the title since the film launched. Everything else down here is pretty set in.

31 (42) — All New Wolverine
32 (27) — Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man
33 (N/A) — Oblivion Song By Kirkman & De Felici
34 (22) — Star Wars Doctor Aphra
35 (37) — Daredevil
36 (30) — Star Wars Poe Dameron
37 (40) — Teen Titans
38 (N/A) — Terrifics
39 (34) — Doctor Strange

Oblivion Song and the Terrifics make their debuts on the top 50, with Oblivion Song an upcoming release, and The Terrifics jumping in off strong word of mouth. Doctor Aphra has dropped a little bit while Poe Dameron jumps a few spots, it’s impressive to see four Star Wars books in the top 50.

40 (28) — Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps
41 (33) — Spider-Man Deadpool
42 (N/A) — Infinity Countdown
43 (43) — Punisher
44 (41) — Star Wars Thrawn
45 (46) — Batman And The Signal
46 (44) — Spider-Man
47 (39) — Aquaman
48 (35) — Suicide Squad
49 (38) — Harley Quinn
50 (N/A) — Venom

Infinity Countdown cracks the top 50, and I expect it to jump up the charts a little bit next month. Venom has some new direction and seems to be moving up as well.

With the April update coming out this week, it will be interesting to see what cracks the top 50 next. Man of Steel, Plastic Man and Starboy are the ones I’ll be watching.



Manage Comics

Straddling the line of comics, awesome websites and small business. I’m the co-host of @sequentialfic and the owner of @northiq