Wrapping security into every aspect of DevOps

Vishrutha Amudan
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2019

Responding to dynamic market conditions and continuously innovating to meet customer expectations is key for businesses to thrive in today’s competitive climate. This is why DevOps emerged as a strategy for companies to ensure their innovations are effective. Breaking it down, DevOps means development and operations teams working in tandem to reduce repetitive processes and errors. DevSecOps goes a step further and wraps security into every aspect of this strategy.

DevSecOps encourages security teams to engage with developers to build “security as code.” An important DevSecOps principle is to maintain security throughout the deployment process by implementing best practices that ensure security and compliance. This requires organizations to hire developers with proficiency in both security and compliance.

Here are five interesting reads on how DevSecOps can help businesses reduce repetitive processes and costs, while increasing code effectiveness.

1. What is DevSecOps? Developing more secure applications
The solution to increased effectiveness in deployment is to remove as many security-related barriers as safely possible. This can be accomplished by integrating security within the development process, so that errors and the time required to fix them are reduced. Although there are a number of obstacles in the process of adopting DevSecOps, the promise of enhanced efficiency outweighs them all.

2. What is DevSecOps and why should your business care?
There’s big danger with a DevOps strategy that doesn’t incorporate security strategies until the last leg of a release. This omission could lead to repetition of tasks at the very least. According to Red Hat’s chief security architect Mike Bursell, DevSecOps is really about getting DevOps right from the start.

3. DevSecOps: Embedding a Security Practice into your DevOps Approach
With the rate of cyberattacks increasing in the last couple of years, the need for security and compliance in every aspect of business is intensifying. People, process, and technology are key to the successful implementation of DevSecOps, but only a cross-functional team that understands security and development can build a system that provides enhanced security, delivers on an accelerated development time frame, and reduces costs.

4. Build up a DevSecOps pipeline for fast and safe code delivery
We already have plenty of tools to ensure development code doesn’t include glaring errors. DevSecOps calls for organizations to fit their code into a pipeline that includes a security check at every stage. The best part about framing a solid, automated pipeline is that, with proper maintenance, it can function by itself.

5. The state of DevSecOps: 5 best practices from the front lines
Many businesses are still struggling to sync up their development and operations teams; if they’re going to bring security into the picture for effective DevSecOps, they’ll need fast tools that won’t delay development even further.

DevSecOps aims to bring security, development, and operations teams together to shift away from working in silos. Although the practical implementation of DevSecOps isn’t simple, incorporating security into the development process is inevitable. While it may require a change in our thinking, it will result in increased efficiency and improved code generation.

