4 Benefits Of A Workplace Intranet

April Thomas
Management Matters
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2020

Digital tools and internet accessibility have dramatically changed how businesses interact with clients and customers. But digital tools aren’t only for external advancement, they can drastically improve the employee experience as well. Today break room bulletin boards and word of mouth messages don’t have to be the only answer. With powerful and intuitive digital intranets easily available, communication, collaboration, and even company culture are in store for serious advancement. Here are four of our favorite benefits of a workplace intranet.

Mobile Accessibility

Smartphones are almost a given these days and do so much more than just help us communicate. An innovative company intranet should be mobile-friendly, helping employees work outside the office, incorporate a flexible work schedule, or just stay connected while traveling or on the go. Intranet apps also make collaborating and communicating with employees much easier, as coworkers and teammates can quickly communicate, collaborate, and share information however they need.

Information Sharing

Successful organizations have known for a while that email isn’t entirely effective. Email, especially group messages, are easy to miss, difficult to navigate, and overall just a messy experience. Workplace intranets offer businesses a much better alternative. With social media styled news feeds, group and private instant messaging, and easy to follow private messages, information sharing no longer needs to be a complicated or confusing experience. Digital intranets are designed for modern, visually engaging communication and easily incorporate gifs, emojis, attachments, images, and all kinds of other important communication, making sharing information a lot easier.

Knowledge Management

Employees can only succeed if they have accurate information. From job training and onboarding to company updates and industry information, knowledge management is crucial in every profession. An essential element of job training is also collaborating and communicating with other employees so everyone can learn from past experiences. A workplace intranet connects all of your employees together in a searchable, friendly, and inviting environment. Employees can easily find important information from anywhere or at any time with detailed document storage and comprehensive search abilities. Digital intranets also enable employees to ask questions and naturally learn from each other.

Employee Engagement

When employees make friends and social connections at work, it dramatically increases engagement and overall productivity. But meeting and interacting with those outside your team can be difficult, especially in a large or widely dispersed work environment. A work intranet makes the environment much more inclusive by connecting employees who might not meet any other way. Intranets also keep remote teams or distant offices in the loop, helping everyone feel supported, connected, and encouraged.

Incorporating a work intranet into your organization will empower and revitalize internal efforts and abilities. By providing workers with easy access to the tools, resources, and communication they need to not only work well but also enjoy their experience, employees can accomplish outstanding results in a productive and engaging environment. To learn more about modern company intranets or to see MangoApps at work in your own company, contact us or schedule a personalized demo today.

