5 Listening Mistakes You Make Too

Guilty of all charges?

Ivona Hirschi
Management Matters


Photo by Magda Ehlers: https://www.pexels.com/photo/deer-behind-grass-561870/

We are bad listeners.

Even if you try to focus, sooner or later, the voice in the back of your head starts talking. It could be pretty distracting.

Instead of writing a report, you’re thinking about your last evening. You’re sitting in the middle of a meeting, and the only thing you have on your mind is the messy hair of the presenter.

Listening is not easy. We all make these mistakes.

1. Not giving people space to think

If you’re like me, you’re talking quite fast. But not only that, you also want answers quickly.

Communication coaches often recommend asking the same question differently if it seems others don’t understand. So, what you do when you don’t get an immediate answer is you’re piling up questions.

  • “What should we do?”
  • “How could we improve the Team’s communication?”
  • “Do you think everyone should give a ‘like’ when they read a message?”

If you maybe wait for two minutes, you will get suggestions and answers. Instead, many managers, jump into other questions and push their thoughts further.

