Management | Leadership | Personal Development

7 Simple but Powerful Tips to Help Leaders Manage Their Ego

How to unlock your potential by getting out of your own way

Tobias Charles
Management Matters
Published in
7 min readJan 31, 2024


Head and upper torso shot of a brunette woman in a sleeveless red dress and gold dangling earrings looking confidently into the camera with a positive look on her face
Image by Chalo Garcia on

Living inside you is your worst enemy.

Because while other people might say horrible things to you, you can always escape them. But you can never run away from yourself.

“I’m not mean to myself”, you might say. And that’s great. It doesn’t mean you’re not potentially sabotaging yourself from within though.

How? Well, it’s your ego.

That little part of your brain that can be a little prickly, sensitive, and riddled with blindspots. If you can’t get it under control, you run the risk of it leading you away from where you want to be, never realising your dreams.

A little bit of ego is healthy. Here are some tips to manage it and make sure you’re not making things harder for yourself.

#1. Maintain a beginner’s mindset

What you don’t know is like a hydra. Every time you read up on some new area, you discover exponentially how much more you don’t know. It’s infinite.



Tobias Charles
Management Matters

I write about leadership, learning, and personal growth. I love helping others get the best out of themselves, and I love finding out what I didn’t know!