8 Ways to Inspire Others and Support Their Careers

Communication and respect are the essence of inspiration.

Ivona Hirschi
Management Matters


Photo by fauxels

When was the last time you met someone you found inspiring?

You may like watching TED talks and listening to inspirational leaders. But where is inspiration in your daily life? It makes a difference at your work if you consider it a fulfilling career or chores.

Leaders influence how others feel. Inspired people look forward to going to work. Yes, although it sounds crazy. Inspiration makes a difference in how the team works and what the productivity and morale are.

Give back and inspire. Consider these eight tips.

1. Study and analyze the general mood.

Some leaders are blind. They don’t want to see how others feel. ‘As long as’ the team is standing, everything is fine. Then, people start to leave. It is a symptom you should not ignore.

Poor loyalty and high attrition indicate employees are not happy. Why is that?

High turnover does not have to be only about the pay and benefits. Be receptive to what people say about their reasons. Lack of growth? No listening? No idea support?

