9 Dilbert strips that show how not to treat our customers

Customers — inconvenience or source of learning?

Robert Drury
Management Matters


Dilbert, the comic strip all about business life by Scott Adams, was first published in 1989, meaning Dilbert has been suffering at the hands of his corporate bosses for over 30 years.

The genius of Adams’ work is the distillation of corporate life into (mostly) three small images, and he’s approached all aspects of organisational operations.

The following 9 strips all look at customer service, and how not to go about it (but we all know this happens!)

I’ve spent many years working in B2B software products with long sale cycles, as you go through budget processes, presentations to operational layers, and then senior layers, prior to the budget sign off process, and it can look to many that sales people are doing nothing.

Customer service is labour intensive, but it also something that can lift your organisation to another level. If you scrimp on service your reputation can be shot to pieces. Just google customer service disasters and you’ll find long lists of companies who’ve taken short cuts where…



Robert Drury
Management Matters

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