Facing a Tough Leadership Challenge… ask yourself… what would <X> do?

Ray Carnes
Management Matters
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2023


Tips for developing your Leadership Style.

As I worked to develop my leadership style over the years, I realized that a person’s leadership style isn’t necessarily an organic set of qualities that you either have or not. It’s the outcome of a focus on leadership… your leadership training, education, and experience… the most significant of which is leadership experience.

(Image from Microsoft 365)

So, the best approach to developing your leadership abilities is to pick someone you admire… and experience (then emulate) their style. (Hmmm… perhaps you’re familiar with the phrase “fake it ’til you make it”.) At first your leadership actions may seem somewhat artificial, but before too long you’ll have added your own nuisances and they become something organic.

1. The Emulation Process

This leadership maturation process takes place in three phases for each leader you’re following. (Arg, Hey, and Wow.)

  • Phase 1. When facing a tough leadership situation (which for me was often), I would ask myself “Arg, what would <X> do?” and I’d find a way.
  • Phase 2. After a little time, in facing similar situations, I’d craft a way forward, and tell myself “Hey, this is what <X> would have done!” and I’d assign a higher confidence to…



Ray Carnes
Management Matters

Transformational Leader, Large-scale Systems Architect and Software Developer, Executive Coach, Author, Musician, and aspiring triathlete.