How to Appreciate Someone for Their Work

Appreciation matters so much. It drives people to do their best.

Ivona Hirschi
Management Matters


Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash

When was the last time you appreciated someone at work? It’s less common than one would think. You may take a lot of things for granted.

Appreciation makes people feel good about what they do. They feel valued. It helps them to be mentally healthy and safe at work.

Praises have many forms. What works for one does not have to work for others. So, you have work to do. But this one is truly pleasant.

“Appreciation goes a long way — it is one of the many factors that keep me motivated and focused in my job.” — an operations manager, Tonia Marston

Why does appreciation matter?

Data is daunting:

Appreciation matters. It makes the difference between people leaving or staying. You, yourself, want to be recognized for the contributions you make.

