How to Have Uncomfortable Conversations

They will be uncomfortable, but after, you will feel relieved.

Ivona Hirschi
Management Matters


Photo by Craig Adderley

If there is one communication skill many people wish for, it is being comfortable with having uncomfortable conversations.

Leaders, freelancers, business people, or coworkers, we all inevitably find ourselves in uncomfortable situations. It is part of working with others.

You may dread the idea of having uncomfortable conversations. But the more you think about it without having it, the more troubled and stressed you become.

Next time, just have it. You will release the tension and get over it.

Why do you feel discomfort?

Imagine you buy a new pair of shoes. They look polished and nice. But when you wear them, they scratch your heel and make you feel bad.

That is how communication sometimes feels, too. In teams, things are looking good on the surface. Everyone does what they should. But there are moments you feel you have to tiptoe around, not hurt someone’s feelings.

Two tensions can occur.

1. Professional tension

When you have different backgrounds, educations, and experiences, you are likely to clash in ways of…

