How to Overcome Your Fear of Inadequacy and Achieve Your Full Potential
These 3 tips helped me reduce the impact of Imposter Syndrome
People affirm your abilities, but you don’t believe you’re as amazing as they say. You have an extensive list of achievements, but you’d struggle to name just a few. Opportunities keep coming your way, but you don’t feel like the best person for the job. You don’t see yourself as others see you. In your mind, you’re an imposter about to be exposed for the fraud you believe you are. The stress keeps you constantly on edge; it keeps you from being your best self.
You are not alone. According to one study, 65 percent of professionals experience this mental phenomenon called Imposter Syndrome.
Imposter Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that makes you doubt your abilities. Despite your accomplishments and competence, you feel inadequate and fear you’ll be exposed as a fraud. It affects many people, regardless of social position or previous achievements.
“I am not a writer. I’ve been fooling myself and other people.” — John Steinbeck, author of The Grapes of Wrath and the 1962 Nobel Prize winner for literature.
“Now when I receive recognition for my acting, I feel incredibly uncomfortable. I tend to turn in on myself. I…