How to Transform a Good Manager Into a Great One

A guide for whoever manages the managers

Tobias Charles
Management Matters


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Image by Luiz Woellner Fotografia on

Anyone can be a manager.

But the jump from good to great can be vast. A lot of it depends on the quality of their manager. But through lack of training, poor examples, or a lack of desire, many never get the chance to fulfil their potential.

In both my day job and my consultancy company, I’ve been developing leaders for over a decade.

Here’s what I do.

It starts with this

Your values will define the culture of your team or organisation. It’s the glue that binds everyone together.

To get the best out of a capable if unspectacular team, you want to focus on ideas like development, teamwork, reflection, and productivity.

A team can be greater than the sum of its parts if it’s got the right kind of culture.

You don’t need exceptional people: you need culture that inspires individually exceptional behaviour. You want to promote an environment where everyone feels motivated to give 100%.

Build rapport. Promote a sense of shared goals and overlapping values. Lead by example. Set a standard and do everything you can to get people to it.



Tobias Charles
Management Matters

I write about leadership, learning, and personal growth. I love helping others get the best out of themselves, and I love finding out what I didn’t know!