How to Discipline Staff in a Unionized Environment

Management and unions may never see perfectly eye-to-eye, but knowing and trusting your resources can get you close.

Chris Bergen
Management Matters


Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

In an ideal working world, unions and management would exist together in a symbiotic relationship. The needs of employees would be brought forward by reasonable union representatives, and an understanding management team would respond by providing fair, reasonable compromises and solutions. All situations would be treated in a black-and-white manner, and everyone would leave happy.

Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. No workplace situation is without its gray areas, especially when discipline is involved. For an employee, disciplinary actions put them in a position where their job is in possible jeopardy. Misunderstandings, bad information, and raw emotion can muddy the waters further, making both parties leave dissatisfied.

Management takes on the dual roles of disciplinarian and being an impartial judge. Disciplinary meetings will usually be complex, but they don’t have to become overwhelming. Fortunately, there are several tactics you can deploy to better prepare yourself for when these situations arise.

Document Everything, and Become an Obsessive Record…



Chris Bergen
Management Matters

Award-winning manager | Top Writer in Leadership and contributor at The Startup, The Helm and more | I’m into 80’s metal, Sci-Fi and Fitness 🤟🏼