Managing Up (Even When Your Boss is Delusional)

Karl Sprague
Management Matters
Published in
7 min readJun 14, 2021


Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Leading other people is a noble pursuit. When you can help someone develop skills and realize success, it can be gratifying. Humbling. Rewarding. Hopefully, that drives you to become a better leader.

Leading others can also be challenging. We’re dealing with humans, so there are unique behaviors, motivations, psyches and backstories that each of your employees carries with them when they walk in the door each day. Personal needs. Triggers. Blind spots.

It can get messy. Uncertainty abounds.

With that in mind, you reach out for best practices on communicating, delegating, and all the other skills that come with managing others.

But what about your boss? How do you effectively manage “up”?

It can be a risky proposition. Your boss can impact your future opportunities. Your career.

But your success may require you to influence your boss. Your team may need you to take on that responsibility.

There are some realities about the role of the boss that you need to understand. And there are some behaviors you need to model and some responsibilities you need to embrace.

So that the relationship will work. So that you can be successful.

The Realities of the Boss Role



Karl Sprague
Management Matters

Executive Coach, Teacher, Trainer, Speaker and Storyteller