My Best Boss Made Me Hopeful About Becoming a Leader

3 ways his management skills shone and inspired me

Phoenix Huber
Management Matters


Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

I’ve often felt afraid at the idea of being a leader. With power, there’s possibility of letting people down.

But I’ve asked myself why I think I’d disappoint people. What makes me predict leadership would lead to failure?

My personal limitations are a factor. I’ll keep working on expanding myself.

However, it’s also connected with how I’ve felt towards other leaders — speaking as a follower.

Leaders who didn’t deliver — and one who did

I’ve had teachers who lacked magnetism. They mumbled and couldn’t communicate inspiringly. Students complained amongst themselves. It seemed I was in the minority who liked the teacher, warts and all.

But when honest with myself about the impacts of their teaching, I’d think… I wish they’d either improve pronto, or change jobs. We’d be better off with a better teacher.


I’ve also had supervisors filled with magnetism who excelled at their own jobs — but they didn’t prioritize nurturing their underlings. Maybe they didn’t know how, or it just wasn’t expected in our particular industry.



Phoenix Huber
Management Matters

Trans girl. Beyond-human ally. I unite with members of my species for all sentient beings. Free hug: uberpath@gmail. Feed me: