Remote work works fine if…

Sébastien Dubois
Management Matters
Published in
10 min readApr 14, 2020


One thing that I think many enterprises, executives and team managers will realize through this crisis, is the fact that having 80–90% of their employees working remotely is indeed possible and works fine (pun intended), (with some adaptation time).

For many years, I’ve been a strong advocate of letting people work remotely more than 1–2 days per week, but have constantly faced bosses with rigid views of what “work” means; until I became my own boss, that is.

For many of those, “work” means getting together, to the same place, most of the time, seeing each other, talking to each other and probably more importantly, being able to keep an eye on what others in the team are doing.

Some managers are insecure with the idea of not “seeing” what their teams are actually doing and feel like people whom they can’t see are probably on holidays, having fun.

As an ex-manager & team leader myself, I have had a strong belief that teams that are well organized don’t actually need much oversight to move forward efficiently.

The current situation forces everyone to do what most organizations did not want to allow, out of fear. The good news for the world is that it just works. Organizations adapt, people adapt, everyone adapts.

