Signs your leadership needs to evolve

Nick Fothergill
Management Matters
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2022


Being a leader is hard! Balancing the personalities in the team, delivering the necessary results and driving the team forward. It takes time to develop your skills and your style and sometimes you need a little bit of an outside view to spot areas where maybe you could do things differently.

These are the areas I have found over time where I see the team leaders under my management could often use a steer in the right direction.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Not Praising Others

I find this is often a lack of confidence. Lower confidence in your own ability makes it harder to recognise or praise others when they do good. A confident leader is aware that the success of their team reflects on them and is keen to praise them.


Wanting to be involved in every small thing and controlling each step is a fast way to destroy a team. It wastes everyone's time but creates a feeling of tension and destroys any autonomy in the team.

Over Explaining and Justifying Actions

When you feel the need to explain or justify decisions and actions or go into great depth, you appear to others as though you feel uncertain about your choices. Self-confident leaders take the time to consider their words carefully and listen…

