New(ish) Books

Ten New Professionally Relevant Nonfiction Books

Business and life lessons in peculiar places

David Asch
Management Matters
Published in
10 min readMay 18, 2021


Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

It delights me when a nonfiction book I read for pleasure and not work unexpectedly provides professional insights. It’s a double whammy.

Sure, I can learn the lingua franca of technology management by reading business bestsellers like Good to Great (Hedgehog concept) or The Lean Startup (Build-Measure-Learn-Pivot concept). Often, however, books not classified as “business” yield the sweetest and rarest inspirational nuggets.

I chose each nonfiction book on the following list, ordered from newest to oldest, not only because they’re great reads but also because of the professionally meaningful insights I reaped from them. In this sense, it’s a personal list and it won’t resonate equally with everyone. Furthermore, the topics of these books are specific to my interests — Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Supply Chain, Baseball, Politics, History — and don’t hold universal appeal. Instead of providing book reviews, I provide a brief overview of each and explain why I find them professionally important.



David Asch
Management Matters

Founder of the Management Consulting Company Available for consulting, podcasts, and speaking engagements.