The Importance of Leadership In Managing Change

If Change Brings Symptoms, Leadership Provides Cures

Robert Bacal
Management Matters


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Any organizational changes of significance requires management and formal leaders to do what they are paid for — lead. That applies to negative, painful and traumatic changes like downsizing and layoffs, but it also applies to positive changes that affect the working lives of those in the organization. For more on the importance and functions of leadership, visit the Leadership Development Resource Center.

When change is imposed (as in downsizing scenarios), clearly the most important determinant of “getting through the swamp”, is the ability of leadership to…well, lead. The literature on the subject indicates that the nature of the change is secondary to the perceptions that employees have regarding the ability, competence, and credibility of senior and middle management.

If you are to manage change effectively, you need to be aware that there are three distinct times zones where leadership is important. We can call these Preparing For the Journey, Slogging Through The Swamp, and After Arrival. We will look more carefully at each of these.

The Role of Leadership



Robert Bacal
Management Matters

Author, Trainer, customer service, management, performance appraisal,leadership,difficult customers