The REAL Difference Between Managing and Leading

It’s time to delete the infographics.

Chris Sowers
Management Matters


Managing gets a bad rap.

I’m tired of it. You’ve seen what I’m referring to — the infographics in your LinkedIn stream comparing managers to leaders.

Leaders are visionary, managers are vision impaired.
Leaders create the future, managers create paperwork.
Leaders inspire, managers perspire.

Like this one…

Yes, visionary leadership sets direction for a group, an organization, a company. But it takes great management to translate that vision into organizational behavior.

Managers, especially those close to the front lines, are critical in turning a compelling vision into objectives, objectives into goals, goals into action. Without this, vision is useless.

I’ve been inspired by great leaders.

I’ve gotten on board with her vision.
Been motivated to help him accomplish that brighter future.
I’ve also been left wondering what to go do.
Inspired, on board, motivated, and utterly lost for action I could take to help bring…

