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Three Steps to Make a Quick, Lasting Impact As a New Leader

Jamie Hammond
Management Matters
Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2020


Your first two weeks are foundational to the relationship with your team.

Whether you’ve found yourself managing a team or a leader of one, you may have a lot of concerns running through your mind:

“What if I’m a bad leader?”

“Will they like me?”

“What if they’re bad employees?”

“What if they don’t listen to me?”

And while you probably wouldn’t dare repeat those worries to anyone else, hearing these voices is, in my opinion, bound to happen at some point in a change to your leadership status. Working with a new team always comes with its stresses and fears. You don’t know what your team dynamic is going to be and you don’t know how you’ll bet manage them. If you’re new to leadership, those voices are all the more loud and frightening.

Fortunately, these are the three tried-and-true steps I’ve started with each time I’ve started leading a new team.

Step 1: Set an Initial One-on-One Meeting With Every Member of Your Team

First, carve out time (no matter how difficult) to set a one-on-one meeting with every member of our team within the first two weeks of entering your role. One-on-ones are your…



Jamie Hammond
Management Matters

Content Creator and Speaker. I help professionals get un-stuck by helping them Speak, Grow, and Rise. Sign up for my email list: