What Do Good Managers Do?

Understand your management role and underground.

Ivona Hirschi
Management Matters


Image by Precious Madubuike on Unsplash

Do you know what managers do? They control resources, organize, plan, provide feedback, etc.

Do you know what good managers do?

That is a bit more complicated to answer, isn’t it?

We can call management underground for help. That’s a secret organization of good managers who share their genius with others. They are the most respectable people you can meet at work and their impact goes far beyond work.

How can you identify a good manager?

Unless you were a good student at school, you usually don’t use any formal material to evaluate if you are a good or bad manager. But your feeling is guiding you.

People feel if their manager is good.

We can list qualities that good managers have. But people need to feel them first. So, we can speak about a management star. So, how to make people feel that you are a good manager?

The most important element of management greatness is that people can trust you. It is the essence of any good relationship. People who trust each other feel good about themselves.

