Would Your Business or Team Fall Apart If You Took a Month Off?

Accelerate your growth by getting out of the way

Jimmie Butler
Management Matters


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Bottom line up front — if you can’t take a month off without your business or team falling apart, you don’t have a business and you don’t have a team.

“If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.”
– John C. Maxwell

I get it, you’re the brains and the talent behind your line of business. You developed your product or service offering. You’re the face of your consulting work and the deliverables have your mark on them and are better for it. The demand is all about you and what you specifically bring to the table for your customers and clients.

Your team is vital — you don’t discount that. They support every aspect of what you do and without them success would be harder. But, let’s face it, they aren’t you.

I’ve suffered from this condition to varying degrees as well. I’m good at what I do and others do it differently. Letting go is hard. There is a fear that quality will suffer — that’s partially our ego getting in the way. The other part is it’s probably true, but…



Jimmie Butler
Management Matters

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