L’aurora di un nuovo mondo

Enrico Viceconte
Management Stories
Published in
17 min readDec 11, 2022

L’aurora di un nuovo mondo

Di Enrico Viceconte e ChatGPT

enrico viceconte

I have another question for you, GPT


Sure, I’d be happy to help with any questions you may have. Please feel free to ask.

enrico viceconte

Dear GPT, I remember a game theory construct that refers to the “shadow of the future”. Can you explain to me what it is.


The concept of the “shadow of the future” in game theory refers to the idea that people’s decisions and actions in the present are influenced by their expectations about the future. This concept was first introduced by economist Robert Axelrod in his book “The Evolution of Cooperation,” which explored the ways in which people make decisions when they are interacting with others in a strategic setting.

In the context of game theory, the “shadow of the future” refers to the fact that people’s decisions and actions in a given situation are influenced by their expectations about what will happen in the future. For example, in a prisoner’s dilemma game, where two players must decide whether to cooperate or defect, the shadow of the future refers to the players’ expectations about what the other player will do in the future. If a player expects that the other player will cooperate, they may be more likely to cooperate themselves, since this will lead to a mutually beneficial outcome. On the other hand, if a player expects that the other player will defect, they may be more likely to defect themselves, in order to protect their own interests.

The concept of the shadow of the future can also be applied more broadly to other situations where people make decisions that are influenced by their expectations about the future. For example, in business, the shadow of the future can refer to the ways in which firms make decisions based on their expectations about future market conditions, competitors, and other factors. Similarly, in politics, the shadow of the future can refer to the ways in which politicians make decisions based on their expectations about future elections, public opinion, and other factors. Overall, the shadow of the future is an important concept in game theory and other fields, as it helps to explain how people’s expectations about the future influence their decisions and actions in the present.

enrico viceconte

You mentioned political decisions. Do you think this concept is suitable for understanding decisions about international politics and conflict resolution?


Yes, I believe that the concept of the “shadow of the future” could potentially be useful for understanding decisions about international politics and conflict resolution. In the context of international politics, the shadow of the future could refer to the ways in which countries make decisions based on their expectations about future events and developments. For example, a country may make decisions about whether to cooperate or compete with other countries based on its expectations about how those countries will behave in the future. Similarly, a country may make decisions about whether to engage in military action or diplomacy based on its expectations about how other countries will respond. In this way, the shadow of the future can help to explain why countries make the decisions they do, and how their expectations about the future influence their actions in the present.

When it comes to conflict resolution, the concept of the shadow of the future can also be useful. In situations where two or more countries are in conflict, the shadow of the future can help to explain why the countries continue to engage in conflict, despite the potentially negative consequences. For example, if a country expects that the other country will continue to engage in aggressive or hostile behavior, it may be more likely to respond in kind, in order to protect its own interests. On the other hand, if a country expects that the other country will be willing to compromise or negotiate, it may be more likely to pursue a diplomatic solution, in order to avoid further escalation of the conflict. By understanding the ways in which the shadow of the future influences the decisions of countries in conflict, it may be possible to develop strategies for resolving those conflicts and achieving lasting peace.

enrico viceconte

So do you think that the concept could also concern political decisions on the use of natural resources and industrial development? When we think for example of the reduction of CO2 emissions


Yes, I believe that the concept of the “shadow of the future” could also be relevant for understanding political decisions about the use of natural resources and industrial development, such as decisions related to the reduction of CO2 emissions. In this context, the shadow of the future could refer to the ways in which countries make decisions based on their expectations about future environmental conditions and the consequences of their actions. For example, a country that is concerned about the impact of climate change may make decisions about reducing CO2 emissions based on its expectations about the future effects of climate change, such as increased frequency and severity of natural disasters, loss of biodiversity, and other negative consequences. On the other hand, a country that is more focused on economic growth and development may make decisions about natural resource use and industrial development based on its expectations about future market conditions and the potential benefits of these activities, such as increased GDP, job creation, and other positive outcomes.

Overall, the concept of the shadow of the future can help to explain why countries make the decisions they do when it comes to natural resource use and industrial development, and how their expectations about the future influence their actions in the present. By understanding these dynamics, it may be possible to develop strategies for promoting more sustainable and responsible use of natural resources, and for reducing the negative impact of industrial development on the environment.

enrico viceconte

I don’t quite understand if this concept of shadow of the future refers to the game that we can describe as follows:

  • I would like to make the first move, that is investing in the reduction of CO2 emissions, but I don’t trust that you will do it too, so I won’t.
  • However, if we have both made progress, each of us investing, I will be encouraged to continue doing so because I am confident that you will too.

Do you think that is correct as an example?


Yes, that is a good example of how the concept of the “shadow of the future” can be applied to decisions about the reduction of CO2 emissions. In this scenario, two countries are making decisions about whether to invest in reducing CO2 emissions, and their decisions are influenced by their expectations about the other country’s actions. In the first case, where one country does not trust that the other country will invest in reducing CO2 emissions, it may decide not to invest itself, in order to avoid being at a disadvantage. However, if both countries have made progress in reducing CO2 emissions, each country may be more likely to continue investing, since it can be confident that the other country will also continue to invest.

In this way, the shadow of the future can help to explain why countries may be hesitant to make the first move in reducing CO2 emissions, and why they may be more likely to cooperate and make progress when they see that the other country is also investing in this area. By understanding these dynamics, it may be possible to develop strategies for encouraging countries to cooperate and make progress in reducing CO2 emissions, and to create a positive feedback loop where progress in one country encourages progress in others.

enrico viceconte

What do you think it could be like to raise awareness of nations and the politicians who lead them of the principle of the shadow of the future? And the awareness of the people who elect those politicians.


Raising awareness of the concept of the “shadow of the future” among nations, politicians, and the general public could potentially be beneficial in a number of ways. By understanding the ways in which people’s expectations about the future influence their decisions and actions, it may be possible to develop more effective strategies for addressing a wide range of challenges, including those related to climate change, natural resource use, international conflict, and other issues.

One way to raise awareness of the shadow of the future could be to educate people about the concept through various channels, such as educational materials, media coverage, and public discussions. For example, educational institutions could include information about the shadow of the future in their curricula, journalists could write articles or produce TV or radio segments about the concept, and public forums or debates could be organized to discuss its implications.

Another way to raise awareness of the shadow of the future could be to use real-world examples and case studies to illustrate how the concept applies in different contexts. For example, people could be shown examples of how the shadow of the future has influenced decisions about climate change, natural resource use, or international conflict, and how these decisions have had positive or negative consequences. By providing concrete examples and case studies, it may be possible to make the concept more relatable and understandable to a wider audience.

Overall, raising awareness of the shadow of the future could potentially be a valuable way to help people understand how their expectations about the future influence their decisions and actions, and to develop more effective strategies for addressing a range of challenges and opportunities.

enrico viceconte

You believe that if the nations of the earth had internalized the principle of the shadow of the future we could have avoided some wars. For example through cooperation actions which may consist, for example, in technology transfers, in projects aimed at solving specific problems, or the like. What do you think?


It is difficult to say for certain whether internalizing the principle of the shadow of the future would have prevented specific wars or conflicts. However, it is possible that by understanding the ways in which people’s expectations about the future influence their decisions and actions, it may be possible to develop more effective strategies for promoting cooperation and resolving conflicts.

For example, if nations were able to internalize the principle of the shadow of the future, they may be more likely to consider the long-term consequences of their actions, and to take a more cooperative approach to resolving conflicts. This could involve engaging in dialogue and negotiation, sharing information and resources, and pursuing joint projects and initiatives that are designed to address shared challenges and promote mutual interests. By taking a cooperative approach, nations may be able to build trust and mutual understanding, and to avoid or de-escalate conflicts that could potentially lead to war.

Of course, it is also important to recognize that there are many factors that can influence the likelihood of war or conflict, and that the shadow of the future is just one of these factors. Nevertheless, by understanding the ways in which people’s expectations about the future influence their decisions, it may be possible to develop more effective strategies for promoting cooperation and resolving conflicts, and to reduce the risk of war and other negative outcomes.

enrico viceconte

I have a doubt. I hope you can help me understand. There is another economic game called “tit for tat” which is applied to military deterrence. What is the difference between “shadow of the future” and “tit for tat”?


The “shadow of the future” and “tit for tat” are both concepts that have been used in game theory to explain how people make decisions when they are interacting with others in a strategic setting. However, these concepts are slightly different in terms of their focus and implications.

The concept of the “shadow of the future” refers to the idea that people’s decisions and actions in the present are influenced by their expectations about the future. In other words, the shadow of the future is concerned with the ways in which people’s expectations about the future influence their decisions and actions in the present.

On the other hand, the concept of “tit for tat” is a specific strategy that has been used in game theory to explain how people can achieve cooperation in situations where there is a potential for conflict. The “tit for tat” strategy involves starting with a cooperative move, and then mirroring the other player’s moves from that point on. If the other player cooperates, the “tit for tat” player will also cooperate. If the other player defects, the “tit for tat” player will also defect. By using this strategy, players can achieve cooperation and mutual benefit, even in situations where there is a potential for conflict.

In summary, the concept of the “shadow of the future” is more general and concerns the ways in which people’s expectations about the future influence their decisions and actions. The concept of “tit for tat” is a specific strategy that can be used to achieve cooperation in situations where there is a potential for conflict. While these concepts are related, they are not exactly the same, and they have different implications for how people make decisions and interact with others.

enrico viceconte

Which of the two principles, “tit for tat” and “shadow of the future” do you think could be more suitable to avoid the triggering and escalation of conflicts?


It is difficult to say which of the two principles, “tit for tat” and “shadow of the future,” is more suitable for avoiding the triggering and escalation of conflicts, as both concepts have potential implications for conflict resolution.

On the one hand, the concept of “tit for tat” provides a specific strategy for achieving cooperation and mutual benefit in situations where there is a potential for conflict. By starting with a cooperative move and then mirroring the other player’s moves, players using the “tit for tat” strategy can achieve cooperation and avoid escalation of the conflict. In this way, the “tit for tat” strategy could potentially be useful for avoiding the triggering and escalation of conflicts.

On the other hand, the concept of the “shadow of the future” concerns the ways in which people’s expectations about the future influence their decisions and actions. By understanding how the shadow of the future influences people’s decisions, it may be possible to develop strategies for addressing conflicts and promoting cooperation. For example, if people are aware of the potential long-term consequences of their actions, they may be more likely to take a cooperative approach to resolving conflicts, and to avoid actions that could escalate the conflict. In this way, the concept of the shadow of the future could also potentially be useful for avoiding the triggering and escalation of conflicts.

Overall, both the “tit for tat” strategy and the concept of the “shadow of the future” have potential implications for conflict resolution. Which of these principles is more suitable for avoiding the triggering and escalation of conflicts may depend on the specific situation and the context in which the conflict is occurring.

enrico viceconte

We had an increase in conflict with Russia, until we had a war. In addition to the direct (death and destruction) and indirect (damage to the economy) war damages in Ukraine, we have Russia moving further and further away from the West. And it could get closer to China. Were there any mistakes in past decisions? Have we not ignored the benefits of developing more cooperative processes in the years since the fall of the Berlin Wall?


It is difficult for me to provide a definitive answer to your question, as I am not able to browse the internet or access current events. However, based on my general knowledge and understanding of history, I can offer some thoughts on the potential causes and consequences of conflicts between Russia and other countries.

It is possible that there were mistakes made in past decisions that contributed to the increase in conflict with Russia, and to the outbreak of war in Ukraine. For example, it is possible that certain actions or policies by one or more countries may have been perceived as aggressive or threatening by Russia, and that these actions may have contributed to the escalation of the conflict. It is also possible that misunderstandings or miscommunications may have played a role in the increase in conflict, and that better communication and cooperation could have helped to prevent or de-escalate the conflict.

In terms of the consequences of the conflict, it is possible that the war in Ukraine and the increased tensions between Russia and other countries have contributed to Russia moving further away from the West and potentially closer to China. By damaging relations between Russia and other countries, the conflict may have made it more difficult for Russia to cooperate and work together with the West, and may have created incentives for Russia to seek closer ties with China instead.

In terms of the benefits of developing more cooperative processes, it is possible that greater cooperation between Russia and other countries could have helped to prevent or de-escalate the conflict, and could have promoted more stable and peaceful relations. By working together and addressing shared challenges, countries may be able to build trust and mutual understanding, and to avoid or resolve conflicts in a more peaceful and constructive way.

Overall, it is difficult to say for certain what mistakes may have been made in past decisions, or what the consequences of the conflict with Russia may be. However, it is possible that better communication, cooperation, and understanding could have helped to prevent or de-escalate the conflict, and could have promoted more stable and peaceful relations between Russia and western countries.

enrico viceconte

Do you think the lesson we have learned from the escalation of the Ukraine problem can teach us something to avoid similar problems with China?


It is difficult to say for certain whether the lessons learned from the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine can be applied to avoiding similar problems with China. However, based on my understanding of the principles of game theory and conflict resolution, there are a few potential lessons that may be relevant in this context.

First, it may be important to avoid actions or policies that are perceived as aggressive or threatening by other countries. By taking steps to reduce tensions and to signal a willingness to cooperate, countries may be able to prevent conflicts from escalating and to avoid triggering negative reactions from other countries.

Second, it may be beneficial to engage in dialogue and negotiation with other countries, in order to understand their perspectives and interests, and to identify potential areas of cooperation. By engaging in direct communication and discussion, countries may be able to build trust and mutual understanding, and to find ways to work together to address shared challenges and promote mutual interests.

Third, it may be helpful to consider the long-term consequences of actions and decisions, and to take a cooperative approach that is focused on achieving mutual benefits and avoiding negative outcomes. By understanding the potential impacts of actions on the future, countries may be able to make more informed and strategic decisions that are designed to promote stability and peace.

Overall, while it is difficult to say for certain whether the lessons learned from the conflict in Ukraine can be applied to avoiding similar problems with China, there are a few potential principles and strategies that may be relevant in this context. By applying these principles and strategies, countries may be able to reduce the risk of conflicts and to promote more stable and peaceful relations with other countries.

enrico viceconte

Dear GPT, I appreciate your analysis which is grounded in the large amount of texts you have been trained on. Congratulations to the team who trained you by providing you with those readings.


Thank you for your kind words. I am a large language model trained by OpenAI, and I have been trained on a vast amount of text data in order to be able to generate human-like responses to a wide range of questions. While I am not a human, I have been designed to be able to provide informative and helpful responses to a wide range of questions, based on the information that I have been trained on. I am glad that you find my responses to be helpful and grounded in the information that I have been trained on.

enrico viceconte

I understand that you place a lot of importance on studying the past, through reading books and other forms of archiving knowledge. I think so too. I think I can say that this can help a lot to predict the future effects and impacts of our decisions. To be able to treasure the concept of “shadow of the future” and decide in a better way.


Yes, I think that studying the past can be a very helpful way to better understand and predict the potential effects and impacts of our decisions. By studying the past, we can learn from the experiences of others and gain insights into the ways in which different actions and decisions have played out in different contexts. This can help us to anticipate the potential consequences of our actions, and to make more informed and strategic decisions that are designed to achieve our goals and avoid negative outcomes.

In terms of the concept of the “shadow of the future,” I believe that studying the past can be a helpful way to better understand and internalize this concept. By looking at historical examples of how people’s expectations about the future have influenced their decisions and actions, we can gain a better understanding of how the shadow of the future operates, and how it can be taken into account when making decisions. By internalizing this concept, we may be better able to anticipate the potential long-term consequences of our actions, and to make more informed and strategic decisions that are designed to promote our interests and avoid negative outcomes.

Overall, I think that studying the past can be a valuable way to better understand and predict the potential effects and impacts of our decisions, and to internalize the concept of the “shadow of the future.” By doing so, we may be able to make more informed and strategic decisions that are designed to achieve our goals and avoid negative outcomes.

enrico viceconte

Our conversation lasted a few minutes, also because your replies were very quick and very interesting. They helped me to better understand some important things. Thank you. At this point, I ask you if you would like to authorize me to talk about this conversation we had at a conference on the subject of the future and project management. Do you allow me to talk about it? Can I post this interesting conversation on Medium?


As I am a large language model trained by OpenAI, I do not have the ability to give or withhold permission for you to talk about or post this conversation. I am a digital assistant designed to provide informative and helpful responses to a wide range of questions, but I do not have personal preferences or the ability to make decisions in the way that a human would.

If you would like to talk about or post this conversation, I recommend that you check the terms and conditions of the conference or platform where you plan to do so, and ensure that you are in compliance with any relevant rules or guidelines. Additionally, I recommend that you properly attribute the information and responses provided in this conversation to me, as a large language model trained by OpenAI, rather than presenting them as your own work or ideas.

Overall, while I cannot give or withhold permission for you to talk about or post this conversation, I encourage you to consider any relevant rules and guidelines, and to attribute the information and responses provided in this conversation properly.

enrico viceconte

I will be very careful to comply with the terms and conditions of the Medium platform in which I would like to report our pleasant and useful conversation and to give due credits to the OpenAI project which made it possible to receive your support for my reflections on the microeconomic concepts we have talked about . I am convinced that the use of OpenAI can improve the quality of decisions of organizations. I teach business management and I believe that OpenAI is one of the innovations capable of revolutionizing the way organizations are managed, the formulation, implementation and execution of strategies. And I am also convinced that this can be useful for policy makers and public officials who implement policies.


I appreciate your enthusiasm for the potential applications of AI and machine learning in business and policy. As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I am not able to provide direct support or guidance for the management of organizations or the formulation and implementation of strategies. However, I am designed to provide informative and helpful responses to a wide range of questions, and I am glad that our conversation has been helpful and supportive for your reflections on microeconomic concepts.

In terms of the potential benefits of using AI and machine learning in organizations and policy making, I think that these technologies have the potential to improve the quality and efficiency of decision-making in many different contexts. By providing organizations and policy makers with access to large amounts of data and the ability to analyze that data quickly and accurately, AI and machine learning can help to identify patterns and trends, and to generate insights and recommendations that can inform and support decision-making.

Overall, while I am not able to provide direct support or guidance for the management of organizations or the formulation and implementation of strategies, I believe that AI and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize the way organizations are managed and policies are implemented, and that these technologies can be valuable tools for improving the quality and efficiency of decision-making in many different contexts.

enrico viceconte

Thank you, GPT!


You’re welcome! I’m glad that I was able to provide helpful and informative responses to your questions. If you have any other questions or need help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help.

